College Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Business
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Ciocirlan (Chair), Angelis, Gabriel, Greenberg, Krichevskiy, Melvin, Miller, Neuhauser, Paul, Riportella, Sandu, Varamini, Williams
For more information, please visit the Department’s website at
VISION: To be nationally recognized as a premier business undergraduate program with a distinctive blend of the liberal arts and professional studies.
MISSION: We seek to create an environment in which students develop intellectual capacities in reasoning and judgment, gain a comprehensive knowledge of business disciplines, and apply it in experiential fashion. Our students will develop lifelong skills necessary to manage organizations effectively, with a keen appreciation of social responsibility and global citizenship. They will learn from and work with faculty with the highest academic credentials and extensive corporate experience who are committed to superior teaching and mentoring, and scholarship in the applied, theoretical, and pedagogical areas of business.
The Mission statement is available at It includes goals and student learning outcomes for each of the four majors in the Department of Business.
Professional Accreditation
Elizabethtown College, through its Department of Business, is nationally accredited by the Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP). This requires the Department of Business to adhere to strict standards of excellence and undergo peer review of our programs and practices. Specifically, ACBSP has accredited our Accounting, Business Administration, and International Business majors.
Outcomes Assessment
The Department uses feedback from a variety of measures –student assignments, presentations, alumni surveys, results of the Major Field Test (MFT) in business, and employer surveys – to gauge the effectiveness of its academic programs and institute curricular improvements. Data from these instruments is gathered and reviewed by the Department’s Assessment Committees. Based upon this review, the committees submit an annual report to the Department’s faculty and discuss any changes to the curriculum or program.
The Department of Business is committed to enhancing students’ written communication skills: generally, the quality of writing is graded in all 200-level or higher classes that require writing assignments (essays, discussion papers, etc.).
The Department of Business encourages students to have multiple internship experiences in Accounting, Business Administration, Economics, Finance, Financial Economics, Marketing, and International Business (the following courses: BA 470-474 , AC 471 , or FBE 470-474 could be used for credit internships) up to a combined maximum of 12 credits. Students will not be awarded internship credit a second time for work performed during a different term in the same position at the same company.
Majors Offered
The Department of Business offers majors in Accounting , Business Administration , International Business , Economics , Finance , Financial Economics , Marketing , and an inter-disciplinary major in Mathematical Business (B.S.) .
Business students are also eligible to complete their degree under a co-op option. During the co-op experience, the students work full-time at an approved co-op site, also maintaining their status as enrolled students at Elizabethtown College. During co-op semesters, students are charged a $500 administrative fee and are registered for a zero credit BA 475 Business Co-Operative Fellowship. Scholarships and grants are deferred during co-op semesters. Financial aid is not awarded during co-op semesters. Any student participating in the co-op program should notify the Financial Aid Office as soon as possible. Students may choose to live on campus with standard room and board fees during their co-op experience, but must live in off-campus housing if they choose the co-op experience for a fifth year.
Minors Offered
The Department of Business offers minors in Business Administration , Economics , Family Business and Entrepreneurship , and Finance . Our faculty also teaches courses and shares advising for two inter-disciplinary minors Data Analytics and Arts Administration . See the Data Analytics Center website at for more details.
Honors in the Discipline
The Department of Business participates in the College’s Honors in the Discipline Program. Business majors are allowed to overload up to 20 credits in one semester, without paying an overload fee, only in the case that they decide to pursue an Honors in the Discipline project taken for credit. Conducting an HID project is a significant learning opportunity for seniors who have excelled in the curriculum to conduct research resulting in publication in the proceedings from the Annual Student Conference in Business and Economics at Elizabethtown College. Invitations for the program are sent in April of each year. Students who are invited and accept to pursue an HID project should enroll in the BA 400 Senior Project in Business course in their senior year; it is suggested that they enroll for 2 (two) credits in Fall and 2 (two) credits in Spring.
For more information, please visit
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