Feb 09, 2025  
College Catalog 2017-2018 
College Catalog 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

How To…

…Search the Catalog

  • Use the Catalog Search bar located at the top of the left-hand Navigation bar.

  • To search a particular section – course, programs, hierarchy items or other content – you can search from the left-hand navigation. Note: Hierarchy items are anything associated with the Departments, Interdisciplinary Programs or the Core Program (those aspects of our College that have “ownership” of courses).

  • To search the entire catalog, click Advanced Search. Check all Search Locations. Enter the keyword or phrase. Click Search. The search will provide you with links to the pages on which the keyword or phrase appears.

  • To find the word on a particular page, press CTRL-F. Type the word that you are seeking into the search bar. Click Next and Previous to advance through the mentions on the page.

 …Print Content

  • To print a page, scroll to the top or bottom of the page and click on the  Print-Friendly Page link. A new window will open, which will contain just the body of the page (no navigation).  

  • Click the  Print this Page link at the top of the page and identify a printer.

  • If you have problems with the catalog print links, your web browser may not support printing from a link. To print directly from the catalog, please follow the following instructions:

To print on a PC, use one of the following methods:

·         Press CTRL-P on your keyboard.

·         Select the File -> Print menu option.

·         Right click the web page and choose the “Print” option.

To print on a Macintosh, use one of the following methods:

·         Press CMD-P on your keyboard.

·         Select the File -> Print menu option.

…Find Course Listings

  • Click on the Course Descriptions button on the left-hand navigation. All courses will be displayed in alphabetical order based on the Course Prefix. To page through, click on the page numbers at the bottom of the screen. To access the course information, click on the course name link. To hide the course information, click the course name link again. Note: To begin a new search, you must return all the drop-down menus to Select…

  • Use the filter to narrow your search. For example, if you want to see only Business Administration courses, select the Prefix BA or select the Type Business Administration from the drop-down menu. Then click Filter. Of note, if you want to do another search, you will have to remove your selection by finding the word Select… in the drop-down menu.

  • Lists are printable by clicking on the  Print-Friendly Page link. Before printing, click Expand All Courses for a full list with descriptions.

  • The following are useful searches:

For Core Courses, type Core Course in the Phrase bar and click on Filter.

For Writing and Research Intensive Courses, type Research Intensive in Phrase Bar and click on Filter.

Courses in the Areas of Understanding may be searched by keying in

Power of Language Core for Power of Language

Mathematics Core for Mathematics

CE for Creative Expression

WCH for Western Cultural Heritage

 NCH for Non-Western Cultural Heritage

 NPS for Natural and Physical Sciences

 SSC for Social Sciences

HUM for Humanities

…Locate Department Information Formerly in the Programs and Courses Chapter of the Printed Catalog

  • Click on the Departments and Programs button on the left-hand navigation.

  • Find the name of the Department in which you are interested.

  • Click on the Go to information link below the Department name.

…Copy Catalog Text into an E-mail or Word Document

  • Scroll to the top or bottom of the page and click on the  Print-Friendly Page link. A new window will open up, which will contain just the body of the page (no navigation).  

  • Highlight the text with your cursor and click CTRL-C to copy.

  • Go to the e-mail or Word document and click CTRL-V to paste.

…Use My Portfolio

  • First, create an account by accessing the My Portfolio page and clicking on Create an Account.

  • After creating an account, add items to your personal Portfolio as you browse through the online catalog. The Portfolio will retain a list of courses, programs, pages, divisions and saved searches.

  • To add items, click the Add to Portfolio link next to the item in which you are interested.  This will open a new pop-up window that displays all items currently in your Portfolio.

  • You may remove items from your Portfolio by selecting the checkboxes next to them and clicking the Remove button.