Sep 27, 2024  
College Catalog 2018-2019 
College Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

 The following is a complete listing of the courses offered at Elizabethtown College. Use the filter to narrow your search.


Psychology Courses

  • PSY 285 - Psychological Research Methods

    4.00 credits.
    Design of research. Emphases include research ethics, inferences of causality, and scientific writing. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 280 . *Corequisite(s): PSY 285L. Students must achieve an average of a C- or better for PSY 280  and PSY 285 to continue in the major. Hours: lecture 3, laboratory 2. Spring semester.
  • PSY 310 - Intelligence and Creativity

    4.00 credits.
    A critical examination of issues in the study of intelligence and creativity, including multiple intelligences, bias in IQ testing, the Flynn effect, intelligence and aging, creativity measurement, the role of motivation in creativity, and the relationship between creativity and mental illness. Students will debate controversial issues in the field. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 105  and junior status, or permission of the instructor. Offered annually.
  • PSY 315 - Cognitive Psychology

    4.00 credits.
    A study of current theory and research on cognitive processes including how we perceive, attend, think, remember, make decisions, solve problems, and use language. Coverage will include applications of cognitive psychology to everyday life and to other disciplines. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 105  and junior status, or permission of the instructor. Offered annually.
  • PSY 325 - Psychopharmacology

    4.00 credits.
    Psychopharmacology is the study of how drugs affect the brain and behavior. This course will address the actions, the therapeutic and behavioral uses, as well as the abuse potential of different drugs, including anti-depressants, sedatives, anti-psychotics, caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, stimulants, cannabinoids, and opioids. To fully understand the actions of these drugs, the general principles of pharmacokinetics, including drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and interactions of drugs with their receptors will be addressed. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 125  and junior status, or permission of instructor.
  • PSY 330 - Psychology of Diversity (WGS 330)

    4.00 credits
    This course will center on understanding social difference and social inequality, and will examine the cognitive and emotional underpinnings of stereotyping, prejudice, discrimination, and identity. We will consider how conscious and unconscious bias influence people’s judgments and affinities, and will also closely examine the development of meaningful group identities (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation). Learning will take place though in-class lectures, activities, and discussion, class readings, and engagement with a community-based placement. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 105  and junior status or permission of instructor. Offered annually. Signature Learning Experience: Community-Based Learning.
  • PSY 335 - Applied Social Psychology

    4.00 credits.
    Applied Social Psychology combines the science of social psychology with the practical application of solving problems in the real world. Applied social psychologists focus on social problems that affect such variables as relationships, diversity issues, organizational systems, the justice system, education, the environment, personal health and the health care industry, and community concerns. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 105  and junior status or permission of instructor. Offered alternate years.
  • PSY 350 - Child Psychopathology and Treatment

    4.00 credits.
    This course is intended to provide an introduction to the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of psychopathology in childhood and adolescence. In this course, we will attend to developmental and sociocultural factors that influence the onset, maintenance, and treatment of mental health disorders in children and adolescents. In addition to in-depth coverage of specific disorders (e.g., Autism Spectrum Disorder, conduct problems), we will discuss ethical and legal issues pertinent to clinical work with these populations. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 105  and junior status or permission of instructor. Offered alternate years.
  • PSY 355 - Counseling Psychology

    4.00 credits.
    This course will provide you with an introduction to foundational counseling skills required of mental health care providers. The course will cover basic therapeutic microskills, select interventions designed to promote well-being, and issues pertaining to professional practice. In order to achieve a foundational level of skill, substantial class time is devoted to role-playing various counselor/counselee situations. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 105 PSY 255 , and junior status or permission of instructor.  Offered Spring semester.
  • PSY 360 - Psychology of Stress

    4.00 credits.
    This course is intended to provide you with a thorough understanding of the field of stress and coping, from both theoretical and applied perspectives. Learning will take place through course lectures, readings, engagement with community-based partner organizations, clinical case conceptualization, presentations of pertinent psychological interventions, and a literature review of psychological research on a stress & coping topic of your choosing. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 105  and junior status or permission of instructor. Offered alternate years. Signature Learning Experience: Community-Based Learning. 
  • PSY 370-378 - Special Topics in Psychology

    4.00 credits.
    Topics not part of the regular curriculum, offered based on student and faculty interest. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • PSY 410 - Seminar in Perception

    4.00 credits.
    In this seminar, you will explore the literature in the study of perception. You will read original empirical papers, learn about research paradigms in the field, and develop critical and creative thinking skills in summarizing, critiquing, and synthesizing research ideas. You will explore the literature in your area of interest, develop a research question, propose novel hypotheses, design your own experiment, and write a major research proposal for a study you may conduct in Advanced Psychological Research. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 280, PSY 285, and a 300-level course in Psychology.
  • PSY 415 - Seminar in Cognition

    4.00 credits.
    In this seminar, you will explore the literature in cognitive psychology. You will read original empirical papers, learn about research paradigms in the field, and develop critical and creative thinking skills in summarizing, critiquing, and synthesizing research ideas. You will explore the literature in your area of interest, develop a research question, propose novel hypotheses, design your own experiment, and write a major research proposal for a study you may conduct in Advanced Psychological Research. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 280 , PSY 285 , and a 300-level course in Psychology.
  • PSY 435 - Seminar in Social Psychology

    4.00 credits.
    In this seminar, you will explore the literature in the study of social psychology. You will read original empirical papers, learn about research paradigms in the field, and develop critical and creative thinking skills in summarizing, critiquing, and synthesizing research ideas. You will explore the literature in your area of interest, develop a research question, propose novel hypotheses, design your own experiment, and write a major research proposal for a study you may conduct in Advanced Psychological Research. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 280 , PSY 285 , and a 300-level course in Psychology.
  • PSY 440 - Seminar in Developmental Psychology

    4.00 credits.
    In this seminar, you will explore the literature in the study of developmental psychology. You will read original empirical papers, learn about research paradigms in the field, and develop critical and creative thinking skills in summarizing, critiquing, and synthesizing research ideas. You will explore the literature in your area of interest, develop a research question, propose novel hypotheses, design your own experiment, and write a major research proposal for a study you may conduct in Advanced Psychological Research. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 280 , PSY 285 , and a 300-level course in Psychology.
  • PSY 455 - Clinical Practicum

    4.00 credits.
    This course will explore mental health practice from both an experiential and an empirical perspective. Students will complete a practicum in an approved clinical setting for 5 hours per week to get firsthand knowledge of clinical practice. Class sessions will focus on processing practicum experiences as well as critically evaluating empirical literature about both specific and common factors of psychotherapy. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 280 PSY 285 , and PSY 355 . Offered Fall semester.
  • PSY 475 - Internship in Psychology

    Variable (0 to 4.00) credits.
    Supervised training and experience in a professional setting related to psychology, generally for two afternoons a week, plus meetings with the instructor. Placement depends on student interest and goals, and availability of professional setting. A maximum of four credit hours from Psychology 475 may count as psychology electives. Additional credits count as free electives. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 105 , junior status, and Psychology major. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Graded Pass/No Pass.
  • PSY 480-489 - Independent Study in Psychology

    Variable credit.
    Opportunity for students to engage in independent study. *Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Department Chair and the Independent Study Committee. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • PSY 485 - Advanced Psychological Research

    4.00 credits.
    In this course, students will conduct an original, empirical research project. This includes revising an existing literature review and/or research proposal, writing an IRB proposal, collecting and analyzing data, writing up results, writing an APA-style research paper, preparing a poster presentation, and presenting to the department. In-class time will include mini-lectures and workshop-style sessions as well as instruction on advanced statistical techniques. Much time will also be spent in individual consultation with the instructor. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 280 PSY 285 , and a Seminar in Psychology (PSY 410 PSY 415 PSY 435 , or PSY 440 ).  Offered every semester. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. 
  • PSY 490 - Research Practicum

    Variable credit.
    Research in psychology under the close supervision of a faculty member. Topics for research are chosen in an area of interest to both persons. *Prerequisite(s): PSY 280  and PSY 285 . Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor.

Religious Studies Courses

  • REL 101 - WCH Signifying Religion: An African American Worldview

    4.00 credits.
    (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course)
    As a historically marginalized people, African Americans frequently find their religious experiences discussed either too familiarly (e.g., “They are basically all Christians.”) or too abstractly (e.g., “They are so spiritual.”) by wider publics. But what if one were to begin the study of religion with the African American experiences? In this class, we will study the diversity of African American life in order to enrich our understanding of the category, ‘religion.”
  • REL 103 - HUM Religion and Nonviolence

    4.00 credits.
    (Humanities Core Course)
    This course examines the interplay between religion and violence, the challenge of nonviolence in religious traditions, and the practice of religious nonviolence in US history. Special attention will also be granted to religious terrorism.
  • REL 125 - HUM Shared Scriptures of Jews and Christians

    4.00 credits.
    (Humanities Core Course)
    This course is an introduction to the shared scriptures of Jews and Christians (the Jewish Tanakh and Christian Old Testament), in which we look at similarities and differences in the ways in which Jews and Christians read these religious texts, with the goal of gaining a better understanding of both Judaism and Christianity. We also give special attention to the values of human dignity, social justice, and wellbeing (i.e., shalom, what is good for a person).
  • REL 151 - Life Meaning and Purposeful Work

    2.00 credits.
    This course will explore what it means to live purposefully in terms of traditional and contemporary understandings of vocation and life calling. Emphasis will be placed on the nexus between theological and philosophical understandings of the meaning of life and the moral life. Students will be invited to think about specific life work and career choices within the context of larger theological, ethical, aesthetic or philosophical commitments.
  • REL 205 - SSC Scoping Out Religions: Theories and Methods

    4.00 credits.
    (Social Science Core Course)
    *A Guided Writing and Research Core Course.
    “Religion” is a concept that people frequently talk about without much precision. In this class we will introduce humanistic theories and social scientific methods to raise the level of discourse around religion. Elizabethtown College and the news of the day will serve as our laboratory where we will learn to seek answers and ask better questions about religion.
  • REL 213 - PLO Biblical Hebrew I

    4.00 credits.
    (Power of Language Core Course)
    A beginning study of the alphabet, grammar, and vocabulary of Biblical Hebrew, designed to develop basic reading competence and an understanding of the challenges of translating the Hebrew Scriptures into English. Offered as needed.
  • REL 214 - Biblical Hebrew II

    4.00 credits.
    Continues the study of Biblical Hebrew grammar and vocabulary. *Prerequisite(s): REL 213 , or permission of the instructor.
  • REL 215 - Koiné Greek I

    4.00 credits.
    A beginning study of the alphabet, grammar and vocabulary of New Testament Greek, designed to develop basic reading competence and an understanding of some of the challenges one faces when translating the New Testament into English.
  • REL 216 - Koiné Greek II

    4.00 credits.
    Continued study of Koiné Greek grammar and vocabulary. Translation exercises are taken from the Septuagint and the New Testament. *Prerequisite(s): REL 215 , or permission of instructor. Offered as needed.
  • REL 217 - PLO Sanskrit I

    4.00 credits.
    (Power of Language Core Course)
    This course is an introduction to Sanskrit, designed to develop basic reading competence as well as a general knowledge of grammatical principles, an elementary vocabulary, and a sense of the relationship of the structure of the Sanskrit language to classical Indian culture and philosophy. This course, if completed successfully, can also serve as a basis for further study of Sanskrit and other South Asian languages (i.e. Hindi, Bengali, etc.). It can also serve as a basis for the study of other ancient languages (given its cultivation of skills common to the study of a variety of such languages–the mastery of an alphabet other than the Roman, classical grammatical terms, etc.). Offered as needed.
  • REL 218 - Sanskrit II

    4.00 credits.
    This course is a continuation of Sanskrit I, designed to further develop and enhance basic reading competence and to broaden general knowledge of grammatical principles, an elementary vocabulary, and a sense of the relationship of the structure of the Sanskrit language to classical Indian culture and philosophy. *Prerequisite(s): REL 217 . Offered as needed.
  • REL 225 - NCH The Hebrew Bible and Ancient Near East

    4.00 credits.
    (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course)
    *A Guided Writing and Research Course.
    An introduction to the Hebrew Bible with emphasis on its ancient Near Eastern context. Readings will include myths, stories, laws, hymns, poetry and wisdom texts from Egypt, Babylonia and Ugarit, in addition to selected readings from the Bible (Tanakh or Old Testament).
  • REL 226 - WCH The New Testament

    4.00 credits.
    (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course)
    An introduction to the literature of the New Testament, with emphasis on the first-century Mediterranean context.
  • REL 252 - Vocation and Church in the 21st Century

    4.00 credits.
    This course invites students to reflect theologically on vocation and the church within the context of the changing landscape of the postmodern world. Emphasis will be placed on the trends and issues that challenge the church in the 21st century. While the course and its readings will focus primarily on the Christian church in the United States, the course also will discuss trends, issues and methods that may apply to synagogue, temple or mosque.
  • REL 253 - Theology Through Film

    4.00 credits.
    This course invites students to reflect theologically on the content of contemporary films. While film style and technique will be discussed to a limited extent, the course will be oriented unapologetically toward viewing narrative, plot, character development, imagery, symbols and values in the light of implicit and explicit religious, spiritual, mythological, ideological and ethical themes. Some attention will be given to various methodologies and theoretical issues in the field of religion and film.
  • REL 261 - Peacemaking and Social Justice in the Bible

    4.00 credits.
    An examination of biblical texts relating to peacemaking and social justice and the ways in which those texts have been interpreted by Christian ethicists and theologians.
  • REL 267 - HUM Progressive Religion

    4.00 credits.
    (Humanities Core Course)
    This course will explore radical Christian thought in the United States since the latter half of the twentieth century, granting special attention to ethical methodologies and perennial issues in Christian social ethics—for example, sexuality, politics, animals, race, and poverty.
  • REL 284 - Anabaptist and Pietist Movements

    4.00 credits.
    An introduction to the major events, personalities, beliefs and cultural life of representative Anabaptist and Pietist movements. Primary focus will be given to the European origins and immigration to America of the Mennonites, Amish, Brethren and Moravians. Special attention will be given to the background of these movements in the Protestant Reformation, and their place within the wider Believer’s Church, or Free Church, wing of European and American religious life.
  • REL 287 - The Story of Christianity

    4.00 credits.
    The course introduces selected themes in the history of Christianity and Christian thought in a broad overview from its origins to the present. Students will explore some aspects of Christian ritual and spirituality, and the activity of women in Christianity.
  • REL 290 - NCH Dharma Traditions: Hindu, Buddhist, Jain, and Sikh

    (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course)
    This course is an introduction to and overview of the four major religions, or dharma traditions, that originated in the Indian subcontinent: Vedic dharma (popularly known as Hinduism), Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. The course will examine the distinctive beliefs and practices of each tradition, while also emphasizing the common features, historical interactions, and close interconnections–both social and theological–among all four. Students who have received credit for either REL 291 OR REL 292 will receive 2.00 credits for the completion of this course. Students who have received credit for REL 291 AND REL 292 may not enroll in this course.
  • REL 293 - Islam

    4.00 credits.
    An introduction to the teachings, practices and history of Islam.
  • REL 313 - Intermediate Biblical Hebrew

    Variable (1.00 to 4.00) credit(s).
    This course is designed to develop students’ ability to read and translate Biblical Hebrew. The class meets weekly to read, translate and discuss a short passage from the Bible. Students will prepare the passage in advance of the session. Students may choose to take this course for one to four credits, with there being one hour of class time for every credit earned. Assignments will be determined based on the number of credits chosen. The course may be repeated for a maximum of eight credits. *Prerequisite(s): REL 214 . Offered as needed.
  • REL 320 - Philosophy of Religion (PH 320)

    4.00 credits
    4.00 credits.
    A study of the various rational efforts to establish the validity of the religious perspective. Topics will include: the nature of religious experience, the relationship between faith and reason, the arguments for the existence of God, the problem of evil, the possibility of miracles and immortality, and the relationship between religion and ethics, and religion and science.
  • REL 321 - The Bible and Race in the United States of America

    4.00 credits.
    Since the nation’s inception, the Bible has factored into the politics of who may realize the American Dream. The Promised Land motif has enticed many, but numerous communities have gone to great lengths to transfigure themselves into one of the chosen people’s tribes. We will study the Bible’s role in the politics of who is and isn’t properly American. Our exploration will lead us to questions about the invention of religion, scriptures, and race.
  • REL 323 - Women, Gender, and the Hebrew Bible

    4.00 credits.
    An upper-level seminar in biblical studies offering advanced study of selected Hebrew Bible texts that reflect attitudes about women, sexuality and gender. Readings will include selections from both the Hebrew Bible and related secondary literature. Emphasis is on the study of women and gender in the Hebrew Bible, and students will read primarily feminist scholarship. Some attention is given to gender from the perspective of the more recent fields of gender studies and men’s studies. *Prerequisite(s): REL 225 .
  • REL 331 - Ethnicity, Gender, and Religion

    4.00 credits.
    Traditionally, survey courses in the world’s religions focus on creedal tenets. A different picture of religion arises when we survey constructions of ethnicity and gender throughout global history. This course examines the relationship between these three discourses as categories of human meaning-making. We will take an interdisciplinary approach to consider a variety of case studies, and ask how we might better understand the analytical concept of “religion.”
  • REL 344 - The Nonviolent Ethics of Martin Luther King, Jr.

    4.00 credits.
    An introduction to the social ethics of Martin Luther King Jr., the course explores the sources, substantive content and evolution of King’s reflections on social institutions (the state and market), social actions (peacemaking and redistributing resources), social roles (prophet and politician), and moral character. King’s social ethics in relationship to his theological beliefs and personal practices are examined.
  • REL 364 - Amish Society (SO 364)

    4.00 credits.
    The history, culture and social organization of the Old Order Amish. Sociological theories and models utilized by social scientists to describe and analyze the Amish will be presented. Special attention will be paid to recent social changes among the Amish.
  • REL 370-378 - Special Topics in Religious Studies

    4.00 credits.
    Topics not included in the regular curriculum. Offered as needed. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • REL 391 - Modern Hinduism

    4.00 credits.
    An in-depth exploration, building on the foundation established in Religious Studies 291, of issues facing contemporary Hinduism. This course covers the British colonization of India; the Bengal Renaissance; Hindu reform movements; the life and teachings of such figures as Sri Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda, Mahatma Gandhi and Sri Aurobindo; Hinduism and science; and Hindu nationalism in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. Particular attention will be paid to issues arising from the spread of Hinduism beyond the subcontinent, especially in the West, and the impact of Hinduism upon Western culture, from the transcendentalists to the theosophists to the Beatles. *Prerequisite(s): REL 290 .
  • REL 392 - Religion in China and Japan

    4.00 credits.
    An in-depth exploration, building on the foundation established in Religious Studies 292, of the religious traditions of China and Japan: Daoism, Confucianism, Shinto, and Chinese and Japanese forms of Buddhism. Readings will be drawn mainly from primary sources in English translation, such as the Daodejing, the Chuang-tzu, the Analects of Confucius, the Kojiki, and the Shobogenzo of Dogen, as well as writings by modern Zen masters and scholars such as D.T. Suzuki and Alan Watts. *Prerequisite(s): REL 290 .
  • REL 393 - Indian Philosophy

    4.00 credits.
    An in-depth exploration of classical Indian philosophy: Hindu, Buddhist and Jain. Readings will be drawn mainly from primary sources in English translation, such as the Upanishads, the Tripitaka, the Bhagavad-Gita and the Tattvartha Sutra, and the writings of such central figures of the Indic philosophical tradition as Nagarjuna, Vasubandhu, Shankara, Ramanuja and Haribhadrasuri. *Prerequisite(s): REL 290 .
  • REL 470-474 - Internship in Religious Studies

    Variable (0.00 to 12.00) credits.
    Students spend one full day a week working in a church, nonprofit institution or research organization with religious-based interests in return for three academic hours of credit. Internships are primarily unpaid experiences, but some organizations may offer a stipend or form of payment. Course requirements are decreased or increased as deemed appropriate by the Internship Advisor. A maximum of four credit hours from Religious Studies 470-474 may count toward the Religious Studies major or minor. Additional credits count as free electives. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • REL 480-489 - Independent Study in Religious Studies

    Variable credit.
    Individual study in areas of interest for students capable of conducting independent research. *Prerequisite(s): Approval of the Department Chair and the Independent Study Committee. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • REL 490 - Senior Seminar in Religious Studies I

    2.00 credits.
    An integrative, capstone course in religious studies. Students will read, discuss, and analyze secondary literature and develop a proposal for a major paper, which they will complete in the spring semester. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
  • REL 491 - Senior Seminar in Religious Studies II

    2.00 credits.
    An integrative, capstone course in religious studies. Students will complete an independent research project that results in a major paper and oral presentation. *Prerequisite(s): REL 490 . (Although not recommended, REL 490 may be taken as a corequisite.) Signature Learning Experience: Capstone Experience. Spring semester.
  • REL 494 - Capstone in Religious Studies

    4.00 credits.
    Majors and minors will have the opportunity to engage with peers to reflect on their entire academic program of study of religion. Gathered around the theme of “religion in public life,” seminar participants will develop a broad and clear view of the relevance and usefulness of religious studies for their future purposeful-life work and as citizens of a nation and of the world. Signature Learning Experience: Capstone. Register by Instructor.
  • REL 498 - Junior-Senior Independent Research

    Variable (0.00 to 4.00) credits.
    Students engage in an advanced level of research under the supervision of a religious studies faculty member to produce a thesis or other major research project. *Prerequisite(s): Juniors or seniors only. A maximum of four credit hours from REL 498 may count toward the Religious Studies major or minor. Additional credits count as free electives. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.

Social Work Courses

  • SW 160 - SSC Social Problems and Response of Social Welfare Institutions

    4.00 credits.
    (Social Sciences Core Course)
    An orientation to the sociological and social work approaches of examining social problems and the development of social welfare policies and programs to reduce their severity and extent. An understanding of both sociological and social work theories and the way in which these theories form the foundation for research, service and advocacy is emphasized. Fifteen (15) hours of service-learning are required. Signature Learning Experience: Community-Based Learning.
  • SW 233 - Human Behavior in the Social Environment

    4.00 credits.
    This course provides a study of the interrelationships of social systems, with particular emphasis upon the impact of the environment on human development throughout the life span. Special consideration is given to the influence of ethnicity, racism, sexism and ageism upon human behavior. Fifteen (15) hours of service-learning are required. Signature Learning Experience: Community-Based Learning.
  • SW 280 - Multicultural Counseling Skills

    4.00 credits.
    Theories explaining human behavior and social interaction, in the context of social systems and social welfare, are discussed, analyzed and critically reviewed. Students learn about the cultural heritage of diverse groups, and about the need for equality and social and economic justice for all oppressed people. Students learn and role-play interpersonal relationships skills in a laboratory situation. Fifteen (15) hours of service-learning in a diverse setting is required. Signature Learning Experience: Community-Based Learning.
  • SW 330 - Methods of Social Work Research

    4.00 credits.
    A focus upon the basic elements of the scientific method providing an overview of research designs commonly used in social sciences, including techniques for gathering, analyzing and presenting data. *Prerequisite(s): SW 160 ,  , or permission of the instructor. Fall semester.
  • SW 339 - Human Sexuality

    4.00 credits.
    This course focuses on the socio-historical aspects of sexuality, survey and experimental research, and attitudes towards sexuality.
  • SW 344 - Aging: Social Response and Implications

    4.00 credits.
    An examination of the aging process in our society. The emphasis is on the interface of the individual and the environment and the services, needs and institutions related to the elderly. Field trips to community agencies and 10 service-learning hours required. Signature Learning Experience: Community-Based Learning.
  • SW 345 - International Social Work Field Preparation

    1.00 credits
    This class will help students gain an understanding of the country and culture in which they will be studying, as well as to develop a better understanding of their own cultural development. This class is a prerequisite for SW470 abroad in the Fall of Senior year. *Prerequisite(s): Social Work majors only. Graded Pass/No Pass.
  • SW 346 - Exploring the Culture and Services of Vietnam

    2.00 credits.
    This course serves as an introduction to the history and culture of Vietnam as it relates to the social problems and social services in modern-day Vietnam. Lectures will provide background on social services and non-profit organizations, specifically Brittany’s Hope Foundation. Class periods will focus on the Vietnam War and development of basic language and communication skills. Later class periods will focus on the development of appropriate age and ability level activities for the children. Finally, there will be a focus on successful fundraising strategies. The course is a prerequisite for students participating in the May-term Service Learning Trip to Vietnam. *Prerequisite(s): Acceptance to the May term trip to Vietnam (SW 347 ). Signature Learning Experience: Cross Cultural Experience. Register by Instructor. Alternating spring semesters.
  • SW 347 - May Term in Vietnam

    2.00 credits.
    This course is comprised of a seventeen-day international trip to Vietnam. Students will have the opportunity to examine issues of culture, poverty, social development, and the needs of orphaned children in Vietnam through direct service learning, lectures, and reflective sessions. *Prerequisite(s): SW 346 . Signature Learning Experience: Cross Cultural Experience. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. Alternating May terms.
  • SW 355 - Women in Society

    4.00 credits.
    This course is designed to provide a systemic view of women in our society. The emphasis will include the socialization of women, women’s roles historically and in our major social institutions, sexism and the feminist movement. Feminist social work practice and its connection to feminist ideology theory will be explored.
  • SW 357 - Child Welfare

    4.00 credits.
    A study of ethnic, cultural and economic problems as they relate to children, the services available to combat those problems, and the legal and legislative aspects of child welfare. Signature Learning Experience: Community-Based Learning.
  • SW 360 - International Social Development

    4.00 credits.
    The impact of the history, traditions and beliefs of different non-Western cultures on the development of social issues will be examined. The history of the problem, its context and development within the culture, and attempts at resolution will be explored. Students will be able to understand why common issues assume different forms in different cultures.
  • SW 366 - Addiction and Society

    4.00 credits.
    An examination of individual, family and social implications of addiction in society and an exploration of social policies related to addiction.
  • SW 367 - Generalist SW Practice I: Individuals

    4.00 credits.
    A focus on problem solving in generalist practice at the micro level (i.e., individuals) with diverse populations. A variety of interventions, assessment techniques and theories are studied in preparation for a required 40-hour supervised field experience. *Prerequisite(s): SW 160 ,   , or permission of the instructor, and social work majors only. Signature Learning Experience: Field Placement. Fall semester.
  • SW 368 - Generalist SW Practice II: Families and Small Groups

    4.00 credits.
    A study of the knowledge, values and skills that comprise the generalist base of social work practice. It is designed to assist students in developing basic entry-level social work competencies to work with groups and families from a systems perspective. A 40-hour supervised field experience is required. *Prerequisite(s): SW 367 , or permission of the instructor *Corequisite(s): SW 369 ; and social work majors only. Signature Learning Experience: Field Placement.
  • SW 369 - Generalist SW Practice III: Communities and Organizations

    4.00 credits.
    Theory and skills development for macro generalist social work practice are presented. Promoting the social welfare of communities and organizations by enhancing social and economic justice is stressed. *Prerequisite(s): SW 330 , or permission of the instructor *Corequisite(s): SW 368 ; and social work majors only. Spring semester.
  • SW 370-378 - Special Topics in Social Work

    Variable credit.
    Topical areas in social work, chosen in accord with student and faculty interest. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • SW 380 - Social Policy

    4.00 credits.
    Students build their knowledge of social welfare and social work’s historical and philosophical foundation. They learn why and how social policy is formulated and implemented, how policy impacts direct practice, and frameworks for policy analysis. *Prerequisite(s): SW 330 , SW 367  or permission of the instructor, and social work majors only. Spring semester.
  • SW 400 - Senior Project in Social Work

    Variable (2.00 or 4.00) credits.
    Students who are completing a senior research project may register for this course in the semester in which the project is completed. Completion of this course does not assure recognition for Honors in the Discipline. A maximum of four credit hours from SW 400 may count toward the degree. Additional credits count as free electives. Majors only. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor.
  • SW 470 - Field Instruction I

    6.00 credits.
    Supervised field instruction for at least 200 hours in an agency. Student begins to assume responsibility with client systems in such ways as monitoring tasks, providing support, conducting group activities, and assisting the social worker with other professional responsibilities. A maximum of eighteen credit hours from Social Work 470-471 may count as social work electives. Additional credits count as free electives. *Prerequisite(s): SW 380  or permission of the instructor, and social work majors only. Signature Learning Experience: Field Placement. Graded Pass/No Pass. Fall semester.
  • SW 471 - Field Instruction II

    12.00 credits.
    Supervised field instruction for at least 400 hours plus a weekly on-campus seminar. Students proceed from an “assistant” position to one of complete client responsibility under direct supervision. Roles students assume may include advocate, enabler, social broker and program planner. A maximum of eighteen credit hours from Social Work 470-471 may count as social work electives. Additional credits count as free electives. *Prerequisite(s): SW 470  or permission of the instructor, and social work majors only, *Corequisite(s): SW 498 . Signature Learning Experience: Field Placement. Graded Pass/No Pass. Spring semester.
  • SW 480-489 - Independent Study in Social Work

    Variable (1.00 to 4.00) credits.
    Opportunity for advanced students independently to pursue study otherwise not available in the curriculum. *Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Department Chair and approval of the Independent Study Committee. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • SW 498 - Senior Seminar in Social Work

    4.00 credits.
    Final course integrating the theory from preceding courses with the professional experience of field instruction. A major project is required. *Corequisite(s): SW 471 , or permission of the instructor, and social work majors only. Signature Learning Experience: Capstone Experience. Spring semester.

Spanish Courses

  • SP 111 - PLO Elementary Spanish I

    4.00 credits.
    (Power of Language Core Course)
    Basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. The development of communicative competence in five skill areas: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language and computer work supplement proficiency-oriented textbooks.
  • SP 112 - PLO Elementary Spanish II

    4.00 credits.
    (Power of Language Core Course)
    Expansion of basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. Additional development of communicative competency in five skill areas: listening, speaking, writing, reading, and sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language and computer work supplement proficiency-oriented textbooks. *Prerequisite(s): SP 111 , or placement by examination.
  • SP 211 - PLO Intermediate Spanish I

    4.00 credits.
    (Power of Language Core Course)
    Review and expansion of basic Spanish grammar and vocabulary at the intermediate level in the four skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading. In-class work develops oral proficiency at the intermediate level; out-of-class work, including online assignments and work with carefully selected website materials, enhances writing and reading proficiencies. Sociocultural awareness is developed through media in the target language that supplement proficiency-oriented materials. *Prerequisite(s): SP 112 , or placement by examination.
  • SP 212 - PLO Intermediate Spanish II

    4.00 credits.
    (Power of Language Core Course)
    Continued review and expansion of basic grammar and vocabulary introduced in Spanish 211 in the four skills of speaking, listening, writing, and reading. Development of more advanced tasks such as describing, narrating, and hypothesizing. In-class work develops oral proficiency at the intermediate level; out-of-class work, including online assignments and continued work with selected website materials, enhances writing and reading proficiencies. Sociocultural awareness is developed through media in the target language that supplement proficiency-oriented materials. *Prerequisite(s): SP 211, or placement by examination.
  • SP 305 - Spanish Conversation

    4.00 credits.
    Development and practice of oral skills for self-expression in Spanish. Emphasis on aural comprehension and fluency in the use of everyday Spanish. Small group discussions and oral presentations in Spanish based on current cultural, ethical, and political topics will be the principal means of accomplishing this goal. *Prerequisite(s): SP 212, placement by examination, or permission of the instructor.
  • SP 312 - Modern Spain

    4.00 credits.
    A selective study of Spain’s cultural heritage to an understanding and appreciation of contemporary Spanish society. The course offers an interdisciplinary treatment of diverse aspects of modern Spanish society, including geography, politics/government, regionalism, cultural identity, immigration, language policy, popular culture, and societal structure, to name a few. The course examines cultural adaptations and changes, drawing upon historical precedent wherever appropriate. Films and internet/mass media resources support topics under discussion. *Prerequisite(s): SP 212  or placement. Alternating spring semesters.
  • SP 314 - Modern Hispanic America

    4.00 credits.
    A selective study of the shared cultural heritages among Hispanic American societies to an understanding and appreciation of contemporary life. The course offers an interdisciplinary treatment of diverse aspects of modern society, including geography, politics/government, religion, Indigenismo, regionalism, cultural identity, language policy, popular culture, and societal structure, to name a few. Films and internet/mass media resources support topics under discussion. *Prerequisite(s): SP 212  or placement. Alternating spring semesters.
  • SP 315 - Spanish Grammar and Composition

    4.00 credits.
    This course builds on the Spanish grammar previously studied at the Intermediate level to improve students’ reading, speaking, and writing skills in Spanish through an in-depth study of standard Spanish grammar. Special attention will be given to the more problematic aspects of Spanish grammar for English speakers. Students will develop advanced writing skills through composition assignments. *Prerequisite(s): SP 212, placement by examination, or placement by examination.
  • SP 319 - Spanish Linguistics

    4.00 credits.
    Surveys current linguistic research on the structure and dialectal (sociological and geographic) variation of the Spanish language. A contrastive analysis of Spanish and English phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics develops the student’s ability to understand the major structural differences between these languages. Students develop an appreciation of native speakers’ perceptions regarding their own language. *Prerequisite(s): SP 212, placement by examination, or permission of the instructor.
  • SP 323 - Introduction to Literature

    4.00 credits.
    Development of students’ ability to read thoroughly, analyze, and appreciate literature. Selected readings representative of different literary genres. *Prerequisite(s): SP 212 , placement by examination, or permission of the instructor.
  • SP 325 - Spanish Service Learning

    4.00 credits.
    This Spanish service-learning course fosters students’ conversational proficiency in Spanish and their intercultural competence in Spanish-speaking settings. Students apply these skills in educational settings, experience the mutual benefits of community service-learning, and discover opportunities for becoming civically engaged and employing their Spanish skills in the broader community. *Prerequisite(s): SP 212 , placement by examination, or permission of the instructor. Signature Learning Experience: Community-Based Learning. Offered every semester.
  • SP 370-378 - Special Topics in Spanish

    Variable credit.
    Topics of special interest not otherwise covered in the curriculum. Topics depend upon student interest and faculty availability. *Prerequisite(s): SP 212 , placement by examination, or permission of the instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • SP 470-474 - Internship in Spanish

    Variable (0.00 to 4.00) credit(s).
    Modern Language internships provide language students the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge they have obtained in our classes and while abroad in professional settings, as they are mentored and supervised by practicing professionals. This opportunity fosters enhanced linguistic and cross-cultural proficiency, as well as individually tailored and specialized expertise for language learners. A maximum of four credit hours from Spanish 470-474 may count as Spanish electives. Additional credits count as free electives. *Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • SP 480-489 - Independent Study in Spanish

    Variable credit.
    Independent projects in some area of Spanish language or literature. *Prerequisite(s): Approval of Department Chair and Independent Study Committee. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • SP 496 - Spanish Senior Research Project I

    2.00 credits.
    For senior Spanish majors. Involves researching a literary, linguistic, or cultural topic and the writing of a major paper in the Spanish language. This capstone experience will be closely supervised by Department faculty. Fall semester.
  • SP 497 - Spanish Senior Research Project II

    2.00 credits.
    For senior Spanish majors. Involves researching a literary, linguistic, or cultural topic and the writing of a major paper in the Spanish language. This capstone experience will be closely supervised by Department faculty. *Prerequisite(s): SP 496 . Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Spring semester.

Special Education Courses

  • SED 212 - Learning Environment and Social Interaction in Inclusive Settings (MSE 512)

    4.00 credits.
    A study of the scientific principles and best practices for creating and sustaining an optimal learning environment and positive social interaction for diverse learners in an inclusive classroom setting. Emphasis is on analyzing factors that influence academic and social behavior, adapting the physical environment, implementing an equitable classroom management system, maintaining a respectful climate, teaching social skills, and implementing positive behavioral supports. *Prerequisite(s): ED 105 , and  ED 150  or ED 151 . Provisional or formal acceptance into Education Program required.
  • SED 222 - Foundations of Inclusive Education (MSE 522)

    4.00 credits.
    This course is an introduction to philosophical, historical and legal foundations of Special Education and inclusive education principles and practices. The history, etiology, characteristics and accommodations for students with special needs in the classroom setting will be examined. Thirty hours of field experience required (i.e., 3 hours per week for 10 weeks) which will require FBI Clearance, Criminal Record Clearance, and Pennsylvania Child Abuse Clearance (fees). *Prerequisite(s): ED 105 , and  ED 150  or ED 151 . *Corequisite(s): SED 222L. Provisional or formal acceptance into Education Program required.
  • SED 224 - Methods of Teaching Students with High Incidence Disabilities (MSE 524)

    4.00 credits.
    A study of the specialized instructional strategies to adapt and accommodate classroom environments, testing methodologies, and curricula to meet the needs of exceptional children and youth. Emphasis is on high incidence disabilities, such as learning disabilities, ADD/ADHD, emotional and behavior disorders, communication disorders, and cultural or linguistic diversity. Field experience is required. *Prerequisite(s): ED 250  and SED 222 , or permission of the Department, *Corequisite(s): SED 224L. Provisional or formal acceptance into Education Program required.
  • SED 230 - Methods of Teaching Students with Low Incidence Disabilities (MSE 530)

    4.00 credits
    This course is designed to prepare students to implement best practices, ensure access, and to serve as advocates in collaboration with a service team for students with low incidence disabilities and their families. These disabilities include the traditional categories of significant and/or multiple disabilities: mental disabilities with significant cognitive needs, low vision and blindness, hearing impairments and deafness, deaf-blindness, autism, physical or health disabilities, and traumatic brain injury. Students learn strategies for collaboration, specific instructional and classroom management procedures, considerations for younger and older students, and are challenged to identify and use innovative tools to support active participation. Students are also encouraged to wrestle with current trends and issues in special education and the larger field of education. Reading response, and collaborative learning are an integral part of the course experience. *Prerequisite(s): Provisional acceptance into the Education Program is required. Register by Instructor.

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