Sep 27, 2024  
College Catalog 2018-2019 
College Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

 The following is a complete listing of the courses offered at Elizabethtown College. Use the filter to narrow your search.


English Courses

  • EN 180 - CE Introduction to Creative Writing

    4.00 credits.
    (Creative Expression Core Course)
    This course encourages students’ creative self-expression and develops their understanding and appreciation of the three principal genres of fiction, drama, and poetry. This course does not count toward the English major or minor.
  • EN 185 - Introduction to Professional Writing

    4.00 credits.
    The varieties of discourse and research in professional writing, including instruction in basic journalism, feature writing, technical writing, and document design. *Prerequisite(s): Power of Language - English requirement.
  • EN 200 - Major British Writers

    4.00 credits.
    A survey course designed to introduce majors to British poetry and prose of three or more literary periods. Students will develop the broad and close reading skills essential to the discipline by considering the structures, literary devices, and biographical and historical contexts of primary works. Spring semester. *Students in the literature and English Education concentrations should take this course as soon as possible after declaring an English major.
  • EN 201 - TESOL Second Language Acquisition & Cross-cultural Perspectives

    2.00 credits.
    This course explores the basic foundations of second language acquisition in children and adolescents. Students will explore best practices in developing optimal settings for English foreign language or second language instruction and the complexity of the notion of “culture” as it corresponds with language. Students will practice applying intercultural communication principles to communicate with English language learners and their communities. Enrolled students will also work collaboratively to design classroom activities that aid in the development of a safe, friendly, and positive learning environment for all learners.
  • EN 220 - WCH British Literature: Medieval, Renaissance, or 18th Century (Pre-1800)

    4.00 credits.
    (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course)
    *A Guided Writing and Research Course.
    A study of the literature and culture of Britain before 1800, with emphasis on the ways the poetry, prose, and drama convey the world views, gender roles, and politics of this important era. Each section of the course focuses on works from a different period: 1) Medieval Literature–Romance and War; 2) The Renaissance Woman—and Man; and 3) 18th Century Wit and Wisdom. *Since the course may vary in focus, it may be taken twice for credit, provided the content is not duplicated.
  • EN 230 - WCH British Literature: Romantic, Victorian, or Modern (Post-1800)

    4.00 credits.
    (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course)
    *A Guided Writing and Research Course.
    An examination of the prose, poetry, and drama of Britain and the Commonwealth after 1800, with attention to literary forms, the visual arts, biography, politics, class, and gender.  Each section of the course covers works from a different period: 1) Romanticism—Nature and Revolution; 2) Victorian Literature–Gender, Ambition, Transgression; and 3) Modern Literature and the World Wars. *Since the course may vary in focus, it may be taken twice for credit, provided the content is not duplicated.
  • EN 240 - WCH American Literature: Revolution to Civil War, Realist, or Modern

    4.00 credits.
    (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course)
    *A Guided Writing and Research Course.
    A study of the literature and culture of America from the beginnings to modern times.   Each section of the course covers works from a different period:  1) Revolution to Civil War; 2) Realism–Gender, Race, and Money; and 3) Modernism–The World Turned Upside Down. *Since the course may vary in focus, it may be taken twice for credit, provided the content is not duplicated.
  • EN 245 - HUM Growing Up in America

    4.00 credits.
    (Humanities Core Course)
    *A Guided Writing and Research Course.
    Through a careful reading of important American novels and biographies such as Tom Sawyer, Little Women, and Goodbye, Columbus, students will better understand the distinct experiences that comprise growing up in America. The particularities of American families, places, and cultures and the universality of shared problems, crises, challenges and joys will be explored.
  • EN 251 - HUM Multicultural Literature

    4.00 credits.
    (Humanities Core Course)
    *A Guided Writing and Research Course.
    This course will examine cross-cultural experiences as reflected in contemporary American and world literature. Sample authors: Louise Erdrich, Toni Morrison, Ha Jin, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie.
  • EN 280 - Creative Writing - Poetry, Prose

    4.00 credits.
    The writing of original poetry or prose. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor.
  • EN 281 - CE Writing and Analyzing the Short Story

    4.00 credits.
    (Creative Expression Core Course)
    *A Guided Writing and Research Course.
    Students will analyze classic short stories using the language and concepts of literary criticism through, discussion, oral presentation, and a major research paper. Emulating classic literary models, they will write original short stories, revising according to detailed critiques by their peers and the instructor. *Prerequisite(s): Power of Language requirement.
  • EN 282 - Technical Writing

    4.00 credits.
    A course emphasizing clarity and precision in writing and including instruction in oral and graphic presentation of technical and scientific information. *Professional Writing majors must have completed EN 185 . Signature Learning Experience: Community Based Learning. Register by Instructor. Fall semester.
  • EN 283 - Legal Writing

    4.00 credits.
    A survey of the types of writing common in government, politics and law. Students practice basic legal analysis, statistical analysis, persuasion and more advanced forms of legal writing, such as the appellate brief. *Professional Writing majors must have completed EN 185 . Register by Instructor. Alternate fall semesters.
  • EN 285 - Business and Public Relations Writing

    4.00 credits.
    This course is designed to strengthen each student’s competence and confidence in business communication. Students will focus on the most common writing tasks in business and public relations, including instruction and practice in writing and laying-out display ads, news releases, brochures, newsletters, in-house proposals and business plans. *Professional Writing majors must have completed EN 185 . Register by Instructor. Spring semester.
  • EN 286 - Creative Non-Fiction

    4.00 credits.
    A readings and workshop course in literary nonfiction, this course acquaints students with the research and writing techniques used by writers of nonfiction and with the history of the genre. Students select their own writing projects from a variety of genres. *Professional Writing majors must have completed EN 185 . Register by Instructor. Alternate years.
  • EN 287 - Writing Children’s Literature

    4.00 credits.
    An introductory survey of children’s literature primarily from 19th and 20th century British and American authors. Students write fiction and nonfiction for a variety of current target markets in children’s literature, such as picture books, early readers, chapter books, and middle-grade to young-adult level books. *Professional Writing majors must have completed EN 185 . Register by Instructor. Alternate spring semesters.
  • EN 288 - Young Adult Literature

    4.00 credits.
    A study of the development and current popular status of literature for young adults, with an emphasis on themes of radicalism, trauma, and identity, among others. The course will examine modern forms represented in young adult literature, including fantasy, the realistic novel, science fiction, and the graphic novel. We will examine and create works relevant to the current YA market. *Prerequisite(s): EN 100  or EN 150 . Spring semesters.
  • EN 301 - English Grammar and Linguistics

    A study of the four major approaches (i.e. prescriptive, descriptive, generative, and contextual) English grammar and English linguistics. This course includes a retrospective study of how the system of the English language was established and how the system has changed over time. Enrollees will extend their own knowledge of English grammar and linguistics and apply these concepts to their work in their selected fields of study. This course is intended for future English teachers; however, the course is open to all students. *Prerequisite(s): EN 100 . Alternate spring semesters.
  • EN 302 - The English Language

    4.00 credits.
    This course considers the transformation of the English language from its formation in Anglo-Saxon England through modern times. Using cultural, political, historical, literary, and linguistic analyses, students will follow changes in vocabulary and syntax from Beowulf through Shakespeare and on to the many varieties of English spoken around the globe today. Alternate years.
  • EN 306 - Methods Seminar in Teaching Language and Composition

    4.00 credits.
    The teaching of English grammar and usage with reference to teaching composition at the secondary school level and practical application of various methodologies through teaching internships in the classroom and/or the Learning Center. *Must be completed prior to the professional semester.
  • EN 307 - TESOL Methods and Assessment

    4.00 credits.
    This course will cover fundamental principles and theories of language instruction and acquisition to prepare students to work with English language learners in many contexts. Through a variety of exploratory activities, accompanied by an extensive reading and discussion of the research and practices related to language instruction, students will form a strong foundation to build a communicative teaching practice while learning how assessment can inform language instruction. The course provides opportunities for peer-teaching, TESOL class observation, and tutoring or teaching English to non-native speakers. *Prerequisite(s): Modern or Ancient Languages 112 or higher, EN 201 , and EN 301 .
  • EN 311 - Genre Studies

    4.00 credits.
    Focus on a distinctive genre or form, such as Autobiography, Travel Writing, or Narrative Cinema. Students may be asked to do their own writing in this genre. *Since the course may vary in focus, it may be taken twice for credit, provided the content is not duplicated.
  • EN 313 - Drama

    4.00 credits.
    An examination of a historical period or important theme in British, American, or world drama with an emphasis on the relationship between text and performance, page and stage. *Since the course may vary in focus, it may be taken twice for credit, provided the content is not duplicated.
  • EN 315 - Poetry

    4.00 credits.
    A study of particular poetic genres and forms and leading practitioners. The cover may cover the Metaphysical poetry of Donne and Herbert, the eighteenth-century lyric, or modern poetry by Frost, Hall, Olds, Kinnell, Collins, and Kooser. *Since the course may vary in focus, it may be taken twice for credit, provided the content is not duplicated.
  • EN 317 - Narrative

    4.00 credits.
    A study of narrative as a genre, with attention to both fictional and non-fictional examples. The course may cover Gothic fiction, anti-slavery narratives, or utopian and dystopian novels. Both literary and theoretical texts are assigned. *Since the course may vary in focus, it may be taken twice for credit, provided the content is not duplicated.
  • EN 319 - Themes

    4.00 credits.
    This course examines selected literary themes and traditions and utilizes a variety of critical perspectives. Recent topics include Irish literature and Magical Realism. *Since the course may vary in focus, it may be taken twice for credit, provided the content is not duplicated.
  • EN 370-378 - Special Topics in English

    4.00 credits.
    Courses involving specific subjects chosen in response to student and faculty interest. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • EN 381 - Advanced Fiction Writing

    4.00 credits.
    Advanced Fiction Writing will be a workshop-based class in which we discuss our own stories, and analyze 8-10 contemporary fictions. We’ll each have an opportunity to build  two fiction selections (1-2 full short stories or a portion of a novel-in-progress) for a final portfolio. This class will focus on building sophisticated techniques for both writing one’s own fiction and discussing fiction from a “lab-based” perspective. *Prerequisite(s): EN 100 , EN 180 , or EN 281 .
  • EN 385 - Writing and Editing for Publication

    4.00 credits.
    Advanced study of writing nonfiction articles, copy editing and strategies for getting manuscripts published. *Professional Writing majors must have completed EN 185  and either EN 282  or EN 285 . Register by Instructor. Alternate fall semesters.
  • EN 420 - British Authors (Pre-1800)

    4.00 credits.
    A seminar focused on the writings of one or more British authors active before 1800, such as Chaucer, Shakespeare, Milton, Donne and Herrick, Pope and Swift, or Thomson and Cowper. *Since the course may vary in focus, it may be taken twice for credit, provided the content is not duplicated. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research.
  • EN 430 - British Authors (Post-1800)

    4.00 credits.
    A seminar focused on the writings of one or more British authors active after 1800, such as Wordsworth and Coleridge, Byron and Shelley, Austen (book and film), or the Brontes. *Since the course may vary in focus, it may be taken twice for credit, provided the content is not duplicated. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research.
  • EN 440 - American Authors

    4.00 credits.
    A seminar focused on the writings of one or more American authors, such as Whitman, Twain, Donald Hall, Sharon Olds, or Toni Morrison and August Wilson. *Since the course may vary in focus, it may be taken twice for credit, provided the content is not duplicated. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research.
  • EN 450 - World Authors

    4.00 credits.
    A seminar focused on the writings of one or more Continental or non-Western authors, such as Dante, Tolstoy, Joyce, Beckett, Fugard, and Murakami. *Since the course may vary in focus, it may be taken twice for credit, provided the content is not duplicated. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research.
  • EN 470-474 - Internship in English

    Variable (2.00 to 4.00) credits.
    Internships provide students with practical workplace experience at a newspaper office, magazine publisher, public relations firm, or other venue for professional writing. A maximum of twelve credit hours from English 470-474 may count as English electives. Additional credits count as free electives. Graded Pass/No Pass. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • EN 475 - TESOL Internship and Seminar

    2.00 credits.
    This course is a culminating experience for those seeking the Elizabethtown College Teaching English as a Second or Other Language Certificate. The course has both a field intership requirement and a classroom seminar requirement It is important to note that ,a s designed, the field internship is the critically important aspect of the course taht will drive the content and discussion of the seminar component. Designing the course in this way contextualizes the fresh and transformational experiences the students have collected during their internships in a supportive and deeply informed environment. *Prerequisite(s): EN 307 .
  • EN 480-489 - Independent Study in English

    Variable credit.
    Individual students are provided the opportunity to pursue work in an area of major interest under the guidance of a member of the Department of English. *Prerequisite(s): Approval of Department Chair and the Independent Study Committee. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • EN 493 - Seminar in Rhetorical Theory

    4.00 credits.
    A seminar for majors in the Professional Writing concentration focusing on reviewing classical and contemporary rhetoric, and preparing a professional writing portfolio. *Prerequisite(s): Professional Writing concentration, EN 185 , and one 200-level professional writing course. Signature Learning Experience: Developmental Portfolio. Fall semester.
  • EN 494 - Seminar in Literary Theory

    4.00 credits.
    A seminar on literary theories and their applications to fiction. The paired writers may include Foucault and Orwell, Bakhtin and Achebe, and Butler and Woolf. *Prerequisite(s): Literature concentration, and junior or senior status, or permission of the instructor. Signature Learning Experience: Developmental Portfolio. Alternate fall semesters.
  • EN 498 - Directed Senior Research I

    2.00 credits.
    English majors of superior ability are allowed to explore a topic of their choosing and to produce a major work of 40 to 60 pages. *Prerequisite(s): Senior standing, a grade point average of 3.60 or higher in the major and overall, and permission of the Department. Two credits are awarded each semester of the senior year. See the Department Chair or Head of the English Directed Senior Research Program for more information. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor.
  • EN 499 - Directed Senior Research Project II

    2.00 credits.
    English majors of superior ability are allowed to explore a topic of their choosing and to produce a major work of 40 to 60 pages. *Prerequisite(s): Senior standing, a grade point average of 3.60 or higher in the major and overall, and permission of the Department. Two credits are awarded each semester of the senior year. See the Department Chair or Head of the English Directed Senior Research Program for more information. Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Register by Instructor.

English Language Learning Courses

  • ELL 111 - Intermediate Reading and Comprehension

    4.00 credits.
    The focus of this course is on developing reading skills and acquiring strategies to learn from texts. Students will be expected to read, take notes, and demonstrate comprehension through discussion and short written assignments. Students will read a variety of short selections, both fiction and nonfiction and will keep a weekly vocabulary journal. Credits are not applicable to the 125 required for graduation with a bachelor’s degree. Fall semester.
  • ELL 112 - Intermediate Writing and Composition

    4.00 credits.
    The focus of this course is on learning to write in order to effectively communicate ideas and opinions. Students will gain fluency in the process of writing with emphasis on mechanics and grammar. Students will learn how to organize ideas, write and revise drafts, and edit written material. Students will also be able to take notes and write summaries of information heard or read. Credits are not applicable to the 125 required for graduation with a bachelor’s degree. Fall semester.
  • ELL 113 - Intermediate Listening and Speaking

    4.00 credits.
    The focus of this course is on listening and speaking in academic and social settings. Students will learn to distinguish speaker’s intentions, identify important spoken information from a variety of contexts (lecture, video, audio), infer meaning of unfamiliar words or phrases from the context of the conversation, and respond appropriately to spoken requests. Students will also learn to articulate clearly, infer whether their listener comprehends their speech, and make adjustments where needed to engage successfully in conversation. Students will also gain experience taking notes from oral presentations and video. Credits are not applicable to the 125 required for graduation with a bachelor’s degree. Fall semester.
  • ELL 114 - Intermediate Seminar on American Culture

    4.00 credits.
    This course focuses on American culture, with emphasis on the local heritage and customs. Students will have opportunities to experience, discuss, and interpret local culture through lectures, performances, discussions, and field trips. They will be introduced to all campus resources and will select a student club or organization to investigate or join. Credits are not applicable to the 125 required for graduation with a bachelor’s degree. Fall semester.
  • ELL 151 - High Intermediate Reading and Comprehension

    4.00 credits.
    The focus of this course is continued development of reading skills and comprehension. Students will be expected to read, take notes, and demonstrate comprehension through discussion and written assignments. Students will read from increasingly complex text sources. *Prerequisite(s): Appropriate placement or completion of ELL 111  with a grade of B- or higher. Credits are not applicable to the 125 required for graduation with a bachelor’s degree.
  • ELL 152 - High Intermediate Writing for Academic Purposes

    4.00 credits.
    The focus of this course is on strengthening students’ writing for academic purposes. Students will write more complex essays and learn different styles of writing. They will begin to expand their writing to take into account their audience and their purpose. Editing and revision will be major components of the course. *Prerequisite(s): Appropriate placement or completion of ELL 112  with a grade of B- or higher. Credits are not applicable to the 125 required for graduation with a bachelor’s degree.
  • ELL 153 - High Intermediate Conversation and Discussion

    4.00 credits.
    This course extends students’ conversational abilities to a variety of settings and tasks. Students will be able to follow multi-step instructions, respond to oral requests for elaboration, and discuss ideas one-on-one and in small group settings. Students will also strengthen their English pronunciation and will be expected to do regular in-class oral presentations. *Prerequisite(s): Appropriate placement or completion of ELL 113  with a grade of B- or higher. Credits are not applicable to the 125 required for graduation with a bachelor’s degree.
  • ELL 154 - High Intermediate Seminar on Comparative Culture

    4.00 credits.
    This course focuses on changes over time in American culture and how American culture has been influenced by other cultures. Students will have opportunities to experience, discuss, and interpret a variety of cultures through lectures, performances, discussions, film, and fieldtrips. They will write reflective essays on these activities and relate them to their own or another culture. *Prerequisite(s): Appropriate placement or completion of ELL 114  with a grade of B- or higher. Credits are not applicable to the 125 required for graduation with a bachelor’s degree.

English as a Second Language Courses

  • ESL 111 - English as a Second Language and American Culture

    4.00 credits.
    Development and refinement of the student’s functional proficiency through grammar and essay development, audio/video materials to improve listening comprehension, and extended oral discourse. Reading selections increase reading comprehension and awareness and understanding of American culture. *Prerequisite(s): Placement by examination and TOEFL score.
  • ESL 112 - English as a Second Language II

    4.00 credits.
    Focuses on the improvement of speech, listening, reading, and writing skills, emphasizing the descriptive and narrative paragraph. Media in the target language supplement the textbook and develop communicative competency. *Prerequisite(s): ESL 111 .

Finance Courses

  • FIN 325 - Corporate Finance

    4.00 credits.
    An introduction to fundamental tools and concepts used in short-term and long-term financial decision making. An overview of the major financial markets is provided. Financial statements, discounted cash flow analysis, bond and stock valuation models, risk and return for assets and portfolios, cost of capital, financing decisions, capital budgeting, capital structure of the firm and dividend policy are covered. *Prerequisite(s): AC 101 .
  • FIN 327 - International Financial Management

    4.00 credits.
    Development of an understanding of the international financial environments in which economic policy and business decisions are made. Specifically, the course covers the spot and forward exchange markets, the Eurocurrency market and the international capital markets. The impact of exchange rate behavior on corporations and the foreign exchange risk management for multinational corporations are covered. *Prerequisite(s): FIN 325 .
  • FIN 412 - Financial Derivatives - Futures and Options

    4.00 credits.
    This course introduces derivative markets and their primary instruments with emphasis on real-world applications of theoretical models. The fundamental of derivatives, valuations of typical derivatives such as futures, forwards, swaps, and options, plus using derivatives in risk hedging and speculations will be discussed. At the conclusion of this course, students will gain an understanding of the theoretical underpinnings of derivatives and the practical skills in constructing and evaluating dynamic hedging strategies using futures and options. *Prerequisite(s): FIN 325 .
  • FIN 415 - Applied Financial Analysis

    2.00 credits.
    This advanced financial analysis course is specifically designed to engage students in equity research activities before a buy, sell, or hold investment decision is made on an assigned publicly traded company. Students will review the company’s SEC filings, gather data on the company’s external and internal environment, analyze the company’s current financial position, forecast the future profitability and valuation of the company, propose an investment recommendation, and present their analysis to financial professionals.  *Prerequisite(s): FIN 325  and an Intermediate level of Excel skills required.
  • FIN 420 - Financial Institution Management

    This course seeks to provide students with a solid understanding of: terms, facts, and perspectives useful in financial institutions’ management; concepts, tools, and objectives financial institution managers use in framing and resolving various issues; forces shaping the financial service industry environment for financial institution managers, e.g., changes in the information and contracting technologies, changes in the mixture of domestic and global competitors, and interactions of innovations with rules enforced by self-regulatory organizations and government agencies. *Prerequisite(s): MA 251  and FIN 325 .
  • FIN 424 - Investments

    4.00 credits.
    This course emphasizes the various classes of investments available to the investor, sources and uses of investment information, and security and capital market valuation. Fundamental concepts, theories and techniques of investing in different assets are provided. Portfolio management is introduced. *Prerequisite(s): FIN 325 .
  • FIN 425 - Advanced Financial Management

    4.00 credits.
    An advanced course in corporation/business finance, in which major topic areas such as capital budgeting, working capital management, leasing, mergers and financing are examined in depth. Cases, readings and problems are used to illustrate the concepts covered. *Prerequisite(s): FIN 325 . Signature Learning Experience: Capstone Experience.
  • FIN 426 - Student Managed Investment Portfolio

    2.00 credits.
    This course provides real-time management of assets and an introduction to the investment management business. Emphasis is on information analysis, security selection, fund management, teamwork and communication. *Prerequisite(s): FIN 424 .

First Year Seminar Courses

  • FYS 100 - First-Year Seminar

    4.00 credits.
    The First-Year Seminar provides an educational experience that is composed of several important components. First, it develops intellectual skills, such as critical analysis and synthesis, and communications skills, such as speaking and writing. Second, it broadens definitions of learning. The student is exposed to multiple ways of acquiring information and knowledge. Third, the First-Year Seminar establishes the integration of knowledge. Using the instructor’s major field of study as a foundation, this course promotes connections across disciplines. Students will also attend events outside of class such as talks, plays, concerts, art exhibits, and Student Life events. The First-Year Seminar is letter-graded. Register by Instructor.

French Courses

  • FR 111 - PLO Elementary French I

    4.00 credits.
    (Power of Language Core Course)
    Basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. The development of communicative competence in five skill areas: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language supplement proficiency-oriented textbooks.
  • FR 112 - PLO Elementary French II

    4.00 credits.
    (Power of Language Core Course)
    Expansion of basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. Additional development of communicative competency in five skill areas: listening, speaking, writing, reading, and sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language supplement proficiency-oriented textbooks. *Prerequisite(s): FR 111 , or placement by examination.
  • FR 211 - PLO Intermediate French I

    4.00 credits.
    (Power of Language Core Course)
    Emphasizes functional proficiency. A functional-notational syllabus expands use of linguistic tasks such as asking questions, stating facts, describing, narrating, and expressing feelings. Use of authentic cultural materials and contexts heightens sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language supplement text and written materials. *Prerequisite(s): FR 112 , or placement by examination.
  • FR 212 - PLO Intermediate French II

    4.00 credits.
    (Power of Language Core Course)
    Expanded use of linguistic functions. Introduction and development of more advanced tasks such as sustaining opinions, explaining, comparing, and hypothesizing. Use of authentic cultural materials and contexts heightens sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language supplement texts and written materials. *Prerequisite(s): FR 211 , or placement by examination.
  • FR 303 - Reading Authentic Texts

    3.00 credits.
    Development of and practice in reading authentic cultural, historical, and literary texts. Through the study of numerous strategies, training provided by textbook exercises, and immediate application to selections, students will learn how to read in order to read for the purpose of learning. *Prerequisite(s): FR 212 , or permission of the instructor.
  • FR 305 - Advanced French Conversation

    4.00 credits.
    In this course, you will develop and practice your oral skills in French through an extended French filmography. We will explore aspects of French and Francophone life and culture in XXth French society with discussions and presentation on French culture, politics, ethics, and history. This course is conducted solely in French. *Prerequisite(s): FR 212 or placement test
  • FR 311 - Making of Modern French Society

    4.00 credits.
    Analysis of important contemporary cultural phenomena and issues that have shaped and continue to shape the modern nation. Readings are taken from literary, sociological, and political sources. Media in the target language supplement written materials. *Prerequisite(s): FR 212 , or permission of the instructor.
  • FR 323 - Introduction to Literature

    4.00 credits.
    Development of students’ ability to read thoroughly, analyze, and appreciate literature. Includes selected readings representative of different literary genres. *Prerequisite(s): FR 212 , or permission of the instructor.
  • FR 370-378 - Special Topics in French

    Variable credit.
    Topics of special interest not otherwise covered in the curriculum. Topics depend upon student interest and faculty availability. *Prerequisite(s): FR 212 , or permission of the instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • FR 470-474 - Internship in French

    Variable (0.00 to 4.00) credit(s).
    Modern Language internships provide language students the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge they have obtained in our classes and while abroad in professional settings, as they are mentored and supervised by practicing professionals. This opportunity fosters enhanced linguistic and cross-cultural proficiency, as well as individually tailored and specialized expertise for language learners. A maximum of four credit hours from French 470-474 may count as French electives. Additional credits count as free electives. *Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • FR 480-489 - Independent Study in French

    Variable credit.
    For senior language majors. Independent projects in some area of language or literature. *Prerequisite(s): Approval of Department Chair and Independent Study Committee. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • FR 496 - French Senior Research Project I

    2.00 credits.
    For senior French majors. Involves researching a literary, linguistic, or cultural topic and the writing of a major paper in the French language. This capstone experience will be closely supervised by Department faculty. Fall semester.
  • FR 497 - French Senior Research Project II

    2.00 credits.
    For senior French majors. Involves researching a literary, linguistic, or cultural topic and the writing of a major paper in the French language. This capstone experience will be closely supervised by Department faculty. *Pre/Corequisite(s): FR 496 . Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Spring semester.

German Courses

  • GER 111 - PLO Elementary German I

    4.00 credits.
    (Power of Language Core Course)
    Basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. The development of communicative competence in five skill areas: speaking, listening, reading, writing, and sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language supplement proficiency-oriented textbooks.
  • GER 112 - PLO Elementary German II

    4.00 credits.
    (Power of Language Core Course)
    Expansion of basic elements of structure and the phonetic system in culturally authentic contexts. Additional development of communicative competency in five skill areas: listening, speaking, writing, reading, and sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language supplement proficiency-oriented textbooks. *Prerequisite(s): GER 111 , or placement by examination.
  • GER 211 - PLO Intermediate German I

    4.00 credits.
    (Power of Language Core Course)
    Emphasizes functional proficiency. A functional-notational syllabus expands use of linguistic tasks such as asking questions, stating facts, describing, narrating, and expressing feelings. Use of authentic cultural materials and contexts heightens sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language supplement texts and written materials. *Prerequisite(s): GER 112 , or placement by examination.
  • GER 212 - PLO Intermediate German II

    4.00 credits.
    (Power of Language Core Course)
    Expanded use of linguistic functions. Introduction and development of more advanced tasks such as sustaining opinions, explaining, comparing, and hypothesizing. Use of authentic cultural materials and contexts heightens sociocultural awareness. Media in the target language supplement texts and written materials. *Prerequisite(s): GER 211 , or placement by examination.
  • GER 311 - Making of Modern German Society

    4.00 credits.
    Analysis of important contemporary cultural phenomena and issues that have shaped and continue to shape the modern nation. Readings are taken from literary, sociological, and political sources. Media in the target language supplement written materials. *Prerequisite(s): GER 212 , or permission of instructor.
  • GER 323 - Introduction to German Literature

    4.00 credits.
    Development of students’ ability to read thoroughly, analyze, and appreciate literature. Selected readings representative of different literary genres. *Prerequisite(s): GER 212 , or permission of the instructor.
  • GER 370-378 - Special Topics in German

    Variable credit.
    Topics of special interest not otherwise covered in the curriculum. Topics depend upon student interest and faculty availability and may include “Business German” and “German Film.” *Prerequisite(s): GER 212 , or permission of the instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • GER 470-474 - Internship in German

    Variable (0.00 to 4.00) credit(s).
    Modern Language internships provide language students the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge they have obtained in our classes and while abroad in professional settings, as they are mentored and supervised by practicing professionals. This opportunity fosters enhanced linguistic and cross-cultural proficiency, as well as individually tailored and specialized expertise for language learners. A maximum of four credit hours from German 470-474 may count as German electives. Additional credits count as free electives. *Prerequisite(s): At least junior standing. Signature Learning Experience: Internship. Graded Pass/No Pass. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • GER 480-489 - Independent Study in German

    Variable credit.
    For senior language majors. Independent projects in some area of language or literature. *Prerequisite(s): Approval of Department Chair and Independent Study Committee. Register by Instructor. This course is repeatable for credit.
  • GER 496 - German Senior Research Project I

    2.00 credits.
    For senior German majors. Involves researching a literary, linguistic, or cultural topic and the writing of a major paper in the German language. This capstone experience will be closely supervised by Department faculty. Fall semester.
  • GER 497 - German Senior Research Project II

    2.00 credits.
    For senior German majors. Involves researching a literary, linguistic, or cultural topic and the writing of a major paper in the German language. This capstone experience will be closely supervised by Department faculty. *Pre/Corequisite(s): GER 496 . Signature Learning Experience: Supervised Research. Spring semester.

History Courses

  • HI 101 - HUM United States History to 1877

    4.00 credits.
    (Humanities Core Course)
    This course traces the foundations of early American history from the Age of Discovery through the Civil War era. Included will be examinations of colonial society, the causes and consequences of the American Revolution, the rise of mass democracy, and the growing sectionalism that tore the nation apart in 1861.
  • HI 102 - HUM United States History Since 1877

    4.00 credits.
    (Humanities Core Course)
    This course examines the history of the United States from America’s late nineteenth century industrial revolution to 9/11 and its aftermath. Emphasis will be on the nation’s rise as an economic and military superpower, its political development, and its multicultural identity.
  • HI 111 - NCH History of Pre-Modern Asia

    4.00 credits.
    (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course)
    This course examines the history of Asia up to 1500. There will be a focus on cross-cultural contacts within Asia and with the larger world. By semester’s end, students will have a factual understanding of Asia’s role in the international community, including the cultural, political, intellectual and economic factors that have influenced this region’s history. They also will learn to critically evaluate historical materials relevant to the study of Asia. *Prerequisite(s): Power of Language English Core course.
  • HI 112 - NCH History of Modern Asia

    4.00 credits.
    (Non-Western Cultural Heritage Core Course)
    This course examines the history of Asia from approximately 1500 until the present day. It will focus on cross-cultural contacts within Asia and with the West. By semester’s end, students will have a better appreciation of Asia in our international community, and will better understand the cultural, political, intellectual and economic factors that have influenced this region’s history. *Prerequisite(s): Power of Language English Core course.
  • HI 114 - WCH Western Civilization I

    4.00 credits.
    (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course)
    This course will examine the evolution of Western civilization from its origins in ancient Mediterranean communities (c. 3000 BCE) to the end of the Thirty Years’ War (1648). Emphasis will be placed on the role of politics, economics, culture, religion, and ideology in shaping European societies.
  • HI 115 - WCH Western Civilization II

    4.00 credits.
    (Western Cultural Heritage Core Course)
    An exploration of historical developments that dominated Western civilization from 1500 through the present. Emphasis will be placed on the role of politics, economics, culture, religion and ideology in shaping modern society in Europe and the United States.
  • HI 209 - Nineteenth-Century Europe

    4.00 credits.
    This course examines political, economic, social, and cultural developments in Europe from 1815 to 1914. Emphasis will be placed on the industrial revolution, conservatism, liberalism, socialism, romanticism, nationalism, imperialism, anti-Semitism, romanticism, realism, and modernism.
  • HI 210 - Twentieth-Century Europe

    4.00 credits.
    This course examines political, economic, social, and cultural developments in Europe from 1914 to the present. Emphasis will be placed on World War I, the Russian Revolution, Fascism, Nazism, Communism, World War II, the Cold War, decolonization, the collapse of Communist regimes in Eastern Europe, and the evolution of the European Union.
  • HI 224 - Pennsylvania History and Government for Social Studies Educators (ED 224)

    4.00 credits.
    This course surveys political, economic, social and cultural developments in the Commonwealth from Penn’s Charter until the present day, with special consideration of the key topics covered under the PDE standards for the Early Adolescent and Adolescent educators. Agriculture, technology, ethnicity and immigration, urbanization, civics, government and democratization are central themes. This course examines major historical themes and, where applicable, introduces key historiographical concepts and debates. *Prerequisite(s): ED 105 , and ED 150  or ED 151 . Provisional or formal acceptance into Education Program required. Fall semester.
  • HI 225 - History of Modern Japan

    4.00 credits.
    This course traces Japan’s history from the period of the Meiji Restoration in the mid-19th century to the present period. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to describe, explain and analyze diplomatic, political, social, economic and technological interactions between Japan and its Asian neighbors as well as between Japan and the West for the modern period.
  • HI 226 - History of Modern China

    4.00 credits.
    This course traces China’s history from the turbulent close of the dynastic era at the end of the 19th century through the present Communist period. Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to describe, explain and analyze diplomatic, political, social, economic and technological interactions between China and its Asian neighbors as well as between China and the West for the modern period.
  • HI 230 - American Minds I - From Puritanism to Transcendentalism

    4.00 credits.
    This course explores the development of American thought from the era of New England Puritanism to the age of sectionalism and Civil War. It will center on close readings of classic texts, essays and speeches penned by a number of significant thinkers including Anne Hutchinson, Thomas Paine, Henry David Thoreau, Harriet Jacobs, and Herman Melville. An analysis of “native” ideas, the class offers students fresh and original ways to think about the American past.
  • HI 231 - American Minds II - From Victorianism to Multiculturalism

    4.00 credits.
    This course explores the development of American ideas from the post-Civil War Victorians to contemporary debates over multiculturalism and postmodernism. It will center on close readings of “classic” and controversial texts written by such original thinkers as Henry Adams, W.E.B. Du Bois, Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Reinhold Niebuhr and Richard Rorty.
  • HI 235 - SSC Citizenship and Conscience

    4.00 credits.
    (Social Science Core Course)
    *A Guided Writing and Research Course.
    Explores issues of citizenship and civic responsibility through the lens of religious minorities—Amish, Brethren, Mennonites, and Hutterites—whose pacifist commitments have often placed them in conflict with political systems in the United States, but have also often led them to defend religious liberty or advocate for social justice. Student will each choose a historical or contemporary case study to research, write, and present as an academic paper.
  • HI 303 - Jeffersonian America

    4.00 credits.
    This course explores the formative years of the early American republic from the drafting of the Constitution to the age of sectionalism. Topics include the emergence of competitive political parties, the nation’s divided reaction to the French Revolution, the unexpected growth of popular democracy, the War of 1812, and the expansion of slavery across the country’s southwestern frontier. Enrollment limited to sophomore status or above.
  • HI 304 - Sectionalism and Civil War

    4.00 credits.
    This course examines the causes, character, and consequences of America’s Civil War. Topics include the failure of antebellum politics, the centrality of the slavery “question,” arguments for and against secession, and an overview of the military campaigns that defeated the Confederacy. Enrollment limited to sophomore status or above.
  • HI 306 - Recent History of the U.S.

    4.00 credits.
    An intensive analysis of the vexing economic, political, social and diplomatic forces responsible for shaping the American experience since 1900; conflicting interpretations emphasized. Enrollment limited to sophomore status or above.

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