Sep 07, 2024  
College Catalog 2023-2024 
College Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Music (B.A.)

The music unit prepares students to engage meaningfully and successfully as leaders in a music-filled world.  Music major curricula stress development of the knowledge, skills, and experience for students to become well-equipped professionals. The Bachelor of Music degrees in music education and music therapy reflect our support of the College’s motto of “Educate for Service,” and the Bachelor of Arts degree in music additionally offers the flexibility to design an individualized emphasis. Music majors are chosen through an audition and interview process in which their performance, listening skills, and aptitude for their intended majors are evaluated. Curricular and co-curricular opportunities are provided for students to study and experience music at all levels.

The Department has adopted requirements for upper-level standing for Music majors. A copy of these requirements is available in the Department’s office.

Student Learning Outcomes for Music:

Students will be able to:

  • Perform proficiently with the creative and performance skills appropriate to the student’s principal instrument.

  • Identify and synthesize key components of Western tonal music theory and music history.

  • Demonstrate mastery of aural skills including sight-reading and dictation (melodic and harmonic).

  • Demonstrate piano skills appropriate to the needs of a studio teacher.

 The requirements for the Music major are flexible and are determined by the needs and interests of each student.

Under the guidance of a discipline advisor, each student designs a program that includes 54 credits of music courses, but must include the following:


Eight credits in one primary instrument or voice are required. Students whose primary instrument is not piano or organ should enroll in MU117 first semester and MU118 second semester. Students whose primary instrument is piano or organ should enroll in MU111 first semester.

Students in the music program should be in an ensemble in the first year. Three credits of ensemble are required in the four years. Students interested in concert choir must audition.

Students are encouraged to take their creative expression requirement in a non-music course.

Competency through the 112-level of a modern language is required.

All first-year students must enroll in MU100C in the fall semester. Students should continue to enroll in repertoire class for credit (MU100A) in every subsequent semester of residence.

Music Policies

Preparatory Music Division

The School of Arts and Humanities also offers a Preparatory Music Division that offers instruction to pre-college students, adults, and college students who desire to take instruction without credit. Instruction is available from the Division’s faculty and other qualified teachers. Interested persons should contact Prof. Grant Moore, Director of the Preparatory Division.

Applied Music Lessons

Students who register for applied music for credit must meet minimum standards established by the School and should contact the School office for a list of standards for each applied area. Students who have not attained the level necessary for credit may study through the Preparatory Division. Students in applied music advance as rapidly as their abilities permit. They must study technical exercises and literature from various musical periods and styles.

Students may register with or without credit for the established music ensembles and for other ensembles organized under faculty supervision; ensemble registration for credit may be repeated. All students must meet the standards for attendance at rehearsals and public performances established by the faculty Directors.

Applied music lessons and certain music ensembles may be counted for the Creative Expression requirement of the Core Program if taken as letter-graded for four semesters. An additional fee is charged for applied music lessons. Fees are printed on the master course schedule.

Transfer Credit for Aural Skills and Functional Keyboard Skills

The Music Department reserves the right to administer a diagnostic exam to verify a student’s skill level PRIOR to awarding academic transfer credit for Aural Skills and Functional Keyboard Skills. This policy was established to ensure academic success at the appropriate level. ALL students accepted into a music program should contact the Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities for more information on assessment of transfer credits.

Additional Accreditation

Elizabethtown College is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music. The Music Therapy program is approved by the American Music Therapy Association.