College Catalog 2014-2015 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Biology Cooperative Programs with Other Institutions (B.S.)
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The Biology Department participates in several cooperative programs.
Premedical Primary Care Program with Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine
Through an agreement with The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, select students may be admitted to Penn State’s Premedical Primary Care Program, allowing them to pursue careers as primary care physicians. This program gives these students the option for automatic matriculation to The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine upon completing the Bachelor of Science degree requirements. For acceptance criteria, contact the Health Professions Advisory Committee of Elizabethtown College. Elizabethtown College is one of a select group of colleges that participates in The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine’s Primary Care Pre-Admissions Program at the Milton S. Hershey Medical Center. The program was established to encourage undergraduate students to pursue careers in internal medicine, family practice and pediatrics by providing students with mentoring, primary care and pre-clinical experience. Through an agreement with The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, select students may be admitted to Penn State’s Premedical Primary Care Program, allowing them to pursue careers as primary care physicians. This program gives these students the option for automatic matriculation to The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine upon completing a Bachelor’s degree and maintaining competitive grade point average and Medical College Admissions Test scores as stipulated by The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine. Students in this program may pursue any major but must complete the required courses listed below. The student must accumulate a minimum GPA of 3.5 in biology, chemistry, and physics courses and a minimum overall GPA of 3.5 by the end of his or her junior year of college. Students must complete two Family Practice Practicum coordinated by the Health Professions Advisor Committee of Elizabethtown College and/or the Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine. The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine also offers the following: a) a Primary Scholars Program, in which students spend two weeks at Hershey participating in lectures, seminars and clinical experiences; b) a Primary Care Summer Academic Program for minority students and students from rural and medically underserved areas; and c) a Primary Care Mentoring Program, through which students are assigned a mentor, a preceptor or faculty affiliate of The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine, who is located in the same town or region as the student. To apply for acceptance into programs, students must meet criteria established by The Pennsylvania State University College of Medicine and apply through the Health Professions Advisory Committee of Elizabethtown College. For program information and admissions requirements, contact Dr. Aaron Cecala. Required courses at Elizabethtown College:
Osteopathic Medicine/B.S. 3+4 or 4+4 Program with Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM)
Elizabethtown College has an agreement for preferred admission to Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (PCOM) following either three years (3+4 program) or four years (4+4 program) at Elizabethtown College. If admitted to PCOM, students in the 3+4 program are granted a baccalaureate degree from Elizabethtown College following completion of the first year of courses at PCOM with grades of C or higher. For the 3+4 program, the student must have a GPA of at least 3.1 in science courses and an overall GPA of at least 3.1 by the end of his or her sophomore year of college. For the 4+4 program, the student must have a GPA of at least 3.0 in science courses and an overall GPA of at least 3.0 by the end of his or her junior year of college. Students in both programs must complete the courses listed below and must pursue a major at Elizabethtown which leads to a bachelor of science degree in Biology, Biochemistry (3+4 and 4+4 options), or Chemistry (4+4 option only). For program information and admissions requirements, contact Dr. Aaron Cecala. Major courses for first three years on campus:
Take 7 or 8 credits from the following:
If fourth year is completed at Elizabethtown College:
Doctor of Dental Medicine/B.S. 3+4 Program with Temple University’s School of Dentistry
Through an articulation agreement with Temple University’s School of Dentistry, qualified students can pursue a 3+4 program leading to a bachelor’s degree from Elizabethtown and a Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) degree from Temple. For program information and admissions requirements, contact Dr. Aaron Cecala. Major courses for first three years on campus:
Students must complete one year of biology, organic chemistry, and inorganic chemistry by the end of their sophomore year. In addition, students must complete one year of physics with associated laboratories by the end of their junior year. GPA must be a 3.2 in the major and overall. Take 7 or 8 credits from the following:
If fourth year is completed at Elizabethtown College:
Doctor of Optometry/B.S. 3+4 Program with Pennsylvania College of Optometry at Salus University
The agreement allows two students per year to apply to the Pennsylvania College of Optometry Doctor of Optometry Program at the end of their second year. To apply through the program, students must have at least a 3.3 overall GPA both at the time of application and during their third year. In order to be prepared for the OAT exam after the second year, students need to complete their chemistry and physics requirements as well as a year of biology. If accepted, students [will enter] the program following their third year. After the completion of their first year at Salus, Elizabethtown College will accept transfer credits for classes at Salus for completion of the students’ undergraduate degree. Students need to complete their Core requirements during their three years at Elizabethtown before beginning their courses at Salus. Major courses for first three years on campus:
Take 3 or 4 credits from the following:
If fourth year is completed at Elizabethtown College:
Masters in Molecular Medicine/B.S. in Biotechnology 4+1 Program with Drexel University College of Medicine
Through an agreement with Drexel University College of Medicine (DUCOM), students can earn both the Bachelor of Science (BS) in Biotechnology and Masters (MS) in Molecular Medicine degrees in 5 years after graduation from high school. Students will spend their first four years at Elizabethtown College fulfilling the requirements for the Biotechnology major, core curriculum, and the essential prerequisites for entry into the Drexel graduate program. During the fourth year of the program, students remain at Elizabethtown and enroll in 9 credits per semester of online or webcasted graduate classes and seminars offered by Drexel University College of Medicine; these are listed as Elizabethtown courses. To maintain their full-time student status in the fourth year, students will conduct a minimum of 2-4 credits of independent research and/or finish any requirements while taking the Drexel courses. A BS in Biotechnology from Elizabethtown College will be awarded after successful completion of the fourth year of the program assuming all other College requirements have been met. For the fifth year, students will matriculate at Drexel University, transfer to the university’s Philadelphia campus and complete the requirements for the MS degree in Molecular Medicine. For program information and admissions requirements, contact Dr. Jodi Yorty. At least seven credits from:
Fourth year at Elizabethtown:
Doctor of Physical Therapy/B.S. 3+3 Program with Thomas Jefferson University
The Cooperative 3+3 Program with Thomas Jefferson University leads to a Bachelor of Science degree from Elizabethtown College and a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree from Thomas Jefferson University. In this program, students spend three years at Elizabethtown College fulfilling general education Core, the Pre-Physical Therapy curriculum, and the requirements of the Biology major. If accepted by the cooperating institution, students spend three more years at Thomas Jefferson University. Thomas Jefferson University’s 3+3 DPT program accepts applications during the fall of the senior year of high school or during the first year at Elizabethtown College. Interested students should consult with Dr. Jonathon Coren before organizing their first-year fall class schedule as this program has specific additional requirements. After completing four years – three at Elizabethtown and one at Thomas Jefferson University – and acquiring at least 125 credits, the student is awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Elizabethtown College. After the student fulfills the remainder of the professional upper division program of clinical experience, the cooperative institution awards the Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. Cooperative programs are offered with Thomas Jefferson University in other Allied Health areas, including cardiovascular technology, cytotechnology, cytogenetics technology, diagnostic imaging, laboratory sciences, nursing, and occupational therapy. Students are not limited to the cooperative schools. Other allied health programs at other institutions of higher education may be used by the student to transfer credits back to Elizabethtown College. However, these programs need to be approved by the Biology Department and by the Registrar prior to the transfer of credit. All Allied Health majors should consult closely with Dr. Jonathon Coren to ensure that courses being taken fulfill other specific requirements of the institution to which the student plans to transfer. The Biology Department requirements are:
Doctor of Physical Therapy/B.S. 3+3 Program with Widener University
The Cooperative 3+3 Program with Widener University leads to a Bachelor of Science degree from Elizabethtown College and a Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) degree from Widener University. In this program, students spend three years at Elizabethtown College fulfilling general education Core, the Pre-Physical Therapy curriculum, and the requirements of the Biology major. If accepted by the cooperating institution, students spend three more years at Widener University. Students may apply for acceptance into Widener University’s 3+3 DPT program during the fall semester of their junior year as an undergraduate at Elizabethtown. Interested students should consult with Dr. Jonathon Coren before organizing their first-year fall class schedule as this program has specific additional requirements. After completing four years – three at Elizabethtown and one at Widener University – and acquiring at least 125 credits, the student is awarded a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Elizabethtown College. After the student fulfills the remainder of the professional upper division program of clinical experience, the cooperative institution awards the Doctor of Physical Therapy degree. The Biology Department requirements are:
Cardiovascular Invasive Specialty Program with Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences
The Cardiovascular Invasive Specialty program with Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences (PCHS) leads to a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Elizabethtown College and a diploma in Cardio-vascular Invasive Specialty from Pennsylvania College of Health Sciences. In this program, the student spends the first three years at Elizabethtown College and, during the fourth year, attends PCHS. The program follows the three-year Biology - Allied Health concentration curriculum that meets both the requirements of the Biology major as well as the Core Program of Elizabethtown College for a total of 94 credits. The fourth year meets the academic and clinical curriculum established by PCHS for its Cardiovascular Invasive Specialty program for a total of 64 credits, of which 31 will be transferred to Elizabethtown College. For program information and admissions requirements, contact Dr. Jonathon Coren. |
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