College Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Department of Education
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Finley-Bowman (Chair), Bellew, Caprino, Coyle, DeArment, Frick, Haley-Mize, Licona, Martin, Tyminski
For more information, please visit the Department’s website or check your course syllabi, which are available through the course instructor or at the High Library.
Elizabethtown College, through its Department of Education, offers several programs leading to a bachelor’s degree and Pennsylvania teaching certification. The Department also offers a 4+1 master’s degree program in Special Education which allows students to complete both general certification and special education certification, select from either a PK-8 or 7-12 grade concentration in special education certification, student teach for two full academic semesters (year 4 and year 5 of study), and complete all graduate course credits for Level II certification. Candidates who already possess a bachelor’s degree and teacher certification (PK-4, 4-8, PK-12, or 7-12) from an accredited institution who are interested in the master’s program should contact the Education Department for admission and entrance criteria information. Together, the Department and College act as an agent of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the teacher certification process for students who meet all appropriate standards.
The mission of the Education Department at Elizabethtown College is to provide its students with the knowledge and skills necessary to become thoughtful and responsible teachers who, informed by scholarship and research, are prepared to meet the social, intellectual, and professional challenges of today’s culturally diverse and inclusive pre-K to 12 classrooms. We believe that our purpose is best achieved through adherence to the Pennsylvania Department of Education standards for teacher certification, and through modeling research-based practices of effective instruction and assessment within a relationship-centered climate that supports academic excellence.
Our goal is to prepare highly competent, knowledgeable educators in early childhood, elementary middle, secondary, special, art, music, and Spanish education. Essential components of this preparation are early and frequent field experiences in urban, rural, and suburban settings supervised by certified professionals, and ongoing self-evaluation of knowledge and skill growth through development of a professional portfolio. The capstone assessment is a semester-long student teaching placement that promotes the practical application of theories and best practices learned in program coursework.
Integral to our programs is the department’s signature attribute of social justice, exhibited through a curricular focus upon advocacy for equity, civic engagement, global citizenship, and international/comparative perspectives. Education faculty are experts in these fields, conducting, presenting, and publishing their own research, and facilitating opportunities for undergraduate scholarship.
Department Student Learning Outcomes
Student Learning Outcomes for Education:
Students will be able to:
Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of the content and pedagogical skills in planning, preparation, and assessment.
Demonstrate an ability to establish and maintain a purposeful and equitable environment for learning.
Demonstrate an ability to deliver instruction that engages students in learning by using a variety of instructional strategies, including technology.
Demonstrate qualities and dispositions that characterize a professional person in aspects that occur in and beyond the classroom/building.
Demonstrate an awareness of, and adherence to, the professional, ethical, and legal responsibilities of being a certified teacher.
Demonstrate an ongoing commitment to lifelong learning and professional development through field-related clubs, conferences, and organizations.
Demonstrate teaching and advocacy for principles of social justice and civic competence.
Majors Offered
The Department of Education offers majors programs that lead to a Bachelor of Science degree and Pennsylvania certification in Early Childhood Education (Pre-kindergarten through fourth grade) and Elementary/Middle Level Education (fourth through eighth grade), and Secondary Education programs in Social Studies . The programs in Early Childhood Education, Elementary/Middle Level Education, and Secondary Education combine a strong commitment to the liberal arts and sciences for the development of pedagogical content knowledge, professional standards, as expressed through Danielson’s Domains of Professional Practice, cognitive development of the early childhood, early adolescent, and adolescent learner, and best practices in assessment.
Supported by the College’s Core Program and elective course work, these major programs promote the collaboration and capacity of the educator, student, curriculum, and community, and emphasize the importance of supervised field experiences beginning in the freshmen year to support the interrelationship of theory and reflective teaching practice.
Additional programs in Secondary Education are available in select academic areas, including Biology , Chemistry , English , Mathematics , and Physics .
Majors and Pennsylvania certification for pre-school through 12th grade also are available in Music , Fine Arts – Art , and Modern Language – Spanish . Carefully designed work in the content major, the Core program, and electives qualify students for a degree appropriate to that major and for Pennsylvania certification.
Theatre Endorsement Program
The Pennsylvania Department of Education, PDE, has had a theatre endorsement as an option for currently enrolled, degree-seeking education majors. The PDE defines an endorsement as documenting “knowledge in a new and emerging areas where formal certification does not exist. The program is intended to improve a teacher’s skills in dealing with complete classroom settings.”
Students completing all requirements of the Theatre Endorsement Program will have a simple notation of completion on their Elizabethtown College transcript. The Certificate is awarded through the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Students will be placed in settings that allow them to assist in production, direction, and administrative tasks associated with theatre.
Master of Education
The Department of Education also offers a 4 +1 graduate program leading to a master’s degree in education and dual certification in a general content area (PK-4, 4-8, 7-12, and PK-12) and special education (PK-8 or 7-12).
Candidates in the master’s program will have successfully completed the requirements for a baccalaureate degree and certification in a general content area and a fifth year of graduate academic study in special education.
This degree path affords students the advantages of two complete student teaching semesters (one in general education and one in special), an advanced degree in a competitive professional market, completion of the post-baccalaureate credits required for Level II certification in Pennsylvania, and diversified and individualized study with an emphasis upon applied research for either PK-8 or 7-12 certification in special education.
General Requirements
Admission to the Programs
Students must submit an electronic application to the Education Department for provisional acceptance into a certification program after they:
Complete 27 hours with a cumulative grade point average of 2.80 or higher. Complete ED 105 and ED 150 /ED 151 and earned grades of C or better.
Submit a TB medical clearance less than one year old.
Provide a record of Act 34, PA Child Abuse, and FBI Criminal History Report. These clearances must be less than one year old.
Provide an electronic Digication portfolio for review demonstrating interest and/or experience in professional education and progress toward meeting required competencies.
Approval of the Education Department and any other appropriate major Department is necessary for the application to be successful. Students are evaluated at the conclusion of each semester in accordance with the Department of Education Teacher Dispositions/Foundational Competencies Policy. Students may be advised or required to withdraw from a departmental program at any time the Education Department determines such action to be appropriate. Students are required to have a provisional acceptance prior to enrolling in any 200-level education courses.
Progress in the Programs
Students must submit an electronic application to the Education Department for formal acceptance into a certification program after they:
Must complete two Mathematics (MA) courses and two English (EN) courses (one writing composition and one literature).
Complete 54 hours with a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher.
Successfully complete at least three courses with ED prefixes.
Provide a record of ACT 34, PA Child Abuse, and FBI Criminal History Report. These clearances must be less than one year old.
Submit a TB test that is less than one year old.
Pass the Basic Skills Assessments (PAPA, CORE, SAT, or ACT).
Basic Skills Policy
General Requirements
- 22 Pa. Code § 49.18 (Assessment) requires an assessment of basic skills, professional knowledge and practice and subject matter knowledge. The basic skills assessment is comprised of three individual tests covering reading, writing and mathematics.
- Non-vocational candidates entering Pennsylvania approved baccalaureate preparation programs on or after August 1, 2015 must pass the basic skills tests prior to formal entry into the program.
Basic Skills Assessment Policy Changes
Effective March 2016, candidates may combine individual tests from different vendors to meet the basic skills requirement. The policy is retroactive for all open applications.
The GPA-Scaled Score Chart does not apply to the basic skills assessments.
We provide a composite score for the PAPA and CORE assessments.
Candidates electing to use tests from different vendors cannot use a composite score. They must meet the qualifying score for each individual test.
We added a separate ACT writing score to reflect the change in ACT score reporting effective September 2015.
We eliminated the 1550 SAT composite score to provide an equitable score for those completing the entire SAT vendor’s tests and those mixing different vendor’s tests.
Basic Skills Assessment Policy
Approved Basic Skills Assessments
The Pre-service Academic Performance Assessment (PAPA) modules in Reading, Writing and Mathematics.
- Visit to register for test code PA701.
- Scores must be electronically submitted directly to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of School Leadership and Teacher Quality, from the test vendor.
- A minimum score of 220 is required on each module, except for Mathematics which requires 193. A composite scoring option is available.
The Core Academic Skills for Educators (CORE) modules in Reading, Writing and Mathematics.
- Visit to register for test codes 5712, 5722 and 5732.
- Scores must be electronically submitted directly to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of School Leadership and Teacher Quality, from the test vendor.
- A minimum score of 156 (Reading), 162 (Writing), and 142 (Mathematics) is required. A composite scoring option is available.
The Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT) score of 500 or higher in each individual section – Critical Reading, Writing, Mathematics. There is no composite scoring option.
- Submit official test scores in the vendor-sealed envelope and a TIMS application cover sheet to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of School Leadership and Teacher Quality. Scores may also be verified from an official score report by (1) the Pennsylvania Approved Preparation Programs through TIMS; or (2) sent directly from the high school to the Bureau.
The American College Test (ACT) Plus Writing. There is no composite scoring option.
- Tests taken prior to September 2015 require a composite score of 23 accompanied by a combined English/Writing score of 22 or higher and a Math score of 21 or higher.
- Tests taken after September 2015 require separate scores of Reading - 22; Mathematics - 21; and Writing - 21.
- Submit official test scores and a TIMS application cover sheet to the Pennsylvania Department of Education, Bureau of School Leadership and Teacher Quality, in an envelope sealed by the test vendor. Scores may also be verified from an official score report by (1) the Pennsylvania Approved Preparation Programs through TIMS; or (2) sent directly from the high school to the Bureau.
- After August 31, 2016, required scores are: Reading - 22, Writing - 8 (after September 2016), and Mathematics - 21.
Older basic skills tests, such as the PPST Reading, Writing, and Mathematics, are accepted if taken at the time they were required in Pennsylvania. Refer to the testing CSPG 21 for more information about replaced tests.
Basic Skills Assessment Exceptions
- The basic skills assessment requirement is waived for all certificates as of November 1, 2014 if the applicant completed an approved post-baccalaureate certification program.
- Experienced Out-of-State Instructional Certificate Exception: As of July 1, 2011, applicants submitting a copy of a current and valid out-of-state instructional certificate that is comparable in grade and content area, plus verification of two years of full-time teaching experience, are not required to take the basic skills assessments.
- Vocational Certificate Exception: Effective July 1, 2014, candidates in post-baccalaureate vocational instructional programs are not required to take the basic skills assessment in reading and writing. The basic skills mathematics assessment is still required for vocational level II certification.
Formally present an electronic Digication portfolio demonstrating continuing interest, experience, and growth in professional education and progress toward meeting required Department competencies.
Approval of the Education Department and any other appropriate major Department is necessary for the application to be successful. Students are evaluated at the conclusion of each semester in accordance with the Department of Education Teacher Dispositions/Foundational Competencies Policy. Students may be advised or required to withdraw at any time the Department determines such action to be appropriate. Students are required to have formal acceptance in order to take 300-level education courses.
Exit from the Programs
Students seeking award of the degree in the major only (without certification) must:
Receive approval of the Education Department and any other appropriate Department(s) for completion of their degree plan.
Satisfy all requirements of the major, except the professional internship and Pennsylvania certification test results, with a cumulative/major grade point average of 2.00 or higher.
Complete an alternative internship experience of at least six credits, as approved by the Education Department.
Students seeking award of the degree in their major and certification must:
Satisfy all requirements of the major with the cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher.
Earn a grade of Pass in the professional internship and senior seminar.
Earn passing scores on the Pennsylvania Educator Certification Tests (PECT) and/or Praxis II series as it applies to your certification program. Students completing Early Childhood (PK-4) must take the PECT exam series, Elementary Middle Level (4-8) certifications take the Praxis series in core assessment and subject concentration, Secondary certification (7-12) take Praxis II in a content area and PK-12 (Music Education, Fine Arts – Art Education, Modern Languages – Spanish Education) must successfully complete the appropriate Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge Test and Praxis II in a content area. Graduate candidates in Special Education (PK-8 or 7-12) must take the PECT exam series in special education.
For a comprehensive listing of testing requirements in Pennsylvania, please see
Arrange for Basic Skills, PECT, and/or Praxis test scores to be sent to the Education Department showing passing scores on all required tests.
Complete two Mathematics (MA) courses and two English (EN) courses, one English Literature and one English Writing.
Formally and publicly present an electronic portfolio summarizing activities and experiences in professional education and demonstrating satisfaction of all required competencies.
Receive approval of the Education Department and appropriate major Department(s).
Submit the application for Pennsylvania certification to the Education Department.
The Professional Internship
Throughout its programs, the Department stresses the importance of supervised field experiences, which complement on-campus course work in education. The full-time professional internship, student teaching, is the capstone experience of the various teacher education programs. During this activity, there is a developmental process at work that is designed to lead to the professional and personal growth required to enter the profession. The program faculty believes the success of this experience is enhanced when students have the opportunity to work under the supervision and mentoring of experienced College faculty familiar with their previous and ongoing development.
Student teachers are placed in cooperating school districts in the local area and supervision is conducted by College faculty and supervisors. Requests for exceptions to this policy regarding local placement must be presented formally to the clinical faculty and staff of the Department. To receive such an exception, students must convincingly demonstrate that an alternative placement would be decidedly more beneficial to their professional and personal development than completing the experience at a local site. Convenience or increased visibility for job searching is not considered important enough to earn an exception to Department’s policy regarding local placement.
The Office of Clinical Experiences within the Department of Education arranges these field placements for every student for every required experience of their programs. The office also sets up transportation to these placements during years 1 and 2 of the program. Following formal acceptance, students are responsible for their own transportation (years 3-5) to placement.
Note: No courses may be taken concurrently with ED 470 (Professional Internship), and ED 495 , ED 496 , or ED 497 (Senior Seminars) without the written permission of the Education Department.
Honors in the Discipline
The Education Department participates in the College Honors in the Discipline program. Education majors are allowed to overload up to 20 credits in one semester, without paying an overload fee, only in the case that they decide to pursue an Honors in the Discipline project taken for credit.
For more information, please contact the Education Department Chair.
Elizabethtown College is in compliance with Title II of the Higher Education Act and disclosure reporting. Requests for disclosure information – i.e., teacher preparation programs, successes on passing state licensing and certification examinations, and job placement – may be obtained by contacting the Education Department.
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