Mar 28, 2025  
SGPS Catalog 2024-2025 
SGPS Catalog 2024-2025

Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology (M.A.)

Program Mission Statement

The mission of Elizabethtown College’s Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology Program is to prepare highly skilled mental health practitioners who integrate evidence-based practices and multicultural competencies in varied practice settings. Through relationship-centered and experiential learning emphasizing social justice and equity, students will cultivate a professional identity and purposeful life work.

Student Learning Outcomes for Counseling Psychology

Students will be able to:

  • Knowledge and Practice of Evidence-Based Counseling Theory and Practices: Demonstrate knowledge of individual and group theories and practices of counseling and psychotherapy. Relate and communicate effectively with clients, supervisors, and professionals, and apply evidence-based intervention and prevention strategies for the promotion of wellbeing and alleviation of suffering.
  • Professionalism and Ethical Standards: Demonstrate knowledge and application of ethical and professional standards. Integrate and display ethical values and attitudes in professional conduct. Demonstrate understanding and appropriate use of and response to supervision during applied experiences.
  • Critical Inquiry and Assessment: Understand the use of scientific methods to evaluate clinical work, programs, interventions, and the expansion of the counseling knowledge base. Become familiar with the strengths, limitations, and applications of tests, measurements and assessments used by counselors and other mental health professionals. Develop ability to critically evaluate and utilize published research.
  • Understanding of Contribution of Broad Knowledge Bases (Development, Biology, Career Theories) to Counseling: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the role of work in people’s lives, the relationship between biological factors and human functioning, and human development across the lifespan. Integrate these varied knowledge bases into understanding of psychopathology, case conceptualization, and treatment.
  • Multicultural Knowledge and Competency: Demonstrate self-awareness and competency in working with individuals, groups, and communities who represent varied cultural backgrounds and characteristics. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the interaction between person and environment (including culture, social norms, institutions, and policies), and understanding of the self as shaped by age, gender, gender identity, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, sexual orientation, ability, language, and socioeconomic status. Apply this knowledge to foster social justice and advocate for equity in varied practice settings.

Program Format

Elizabethtown College’s M.A. in Counseling Psychology Program is a full-time, two-year, 60 credit program. Students will take classes during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. Classes will be offered in a hybrid format, with a combination of remote (online) and face-to-face instruction at the Elizabethtown, PA campus. Cohorts begin annually in the fall semester.

Admissions Criteria

The Elizabethtown College Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology Program welcomes eligible applicants with bachelor’s degrees from any regionally accredited college or university (or who will have completed their bachelor’s degree by time of matriculation to the program). Additionally, prospective and current Elizabethtown College undergraduate students majoring in psychology may be eligible for admission to two pipeline programs:

  • 3 + 2 B.A. in Psychology and Counseling Psychology Pipeline Program: This accelerated, combined program allows eligible students to complete their B.A. in Psychology in 3 years, with provisional acceptance* to the 2-year M.A. in Counseling Psychology Program. Prospective or current Elizabethtown College undergraduate students majoring in psychology who meet eligibility requirements may apply to this pipeline program by the beginning of the spring semester of their first year.
  • 4 + 2 B.A. in Psychology and M.A. in Counseling Psychology Pipeline Program: This combined program allows eligible students to complete their B.A. in Psychology in 4 years, with provisional acceptance* to the 2-year M.A. in Counseling Psychology Program. Prospective or current Elizabethtown College undergraduate students majoring in psychology who meet eligibility requirements may apply to this pipeline program by the beginning of the spring semester of their sophomore year.

*Provisional acceptance is contingent upon continued academic progress as outlined in the catalog. If a student’s academic performance or progress towards degree completion fall below benchmarks, the student will have a meeting with the M.A. in Counseling Psychology Program Director to discuss their options, which include continuing to complete their B.A. in Psychology at Elizabethtown College, after which they are welcome to re-apply to the Elizabethtown College M.A. in Counseling Psychology program or other graduate programs. 

Eligibility and Application Instructions for Pipeline Programs as Prospective Elizabethtown College Undergraduate Students:

Eligibility Criteria:

  • 3.3 or higher high school GPA
  • Intention to major in Psychology at Elizabethtown College
  • If applying to the 3+2 pipeline program, must demonstrate willingness and capacity to complete courses at an accelerated rate, either through college credits obtained prior to enrollment at Elizabethtown College, and/or Summer Term, Winter Term, and overload courses

Application Instructions:

  • In addition to the standard application to Elizabethtown College, submit a statement outlining interest in accelerated B.A. + M.A. in Counseling Psychology program (indicating interest in 3+2 or 4+2). Statement should address interest in pursuing a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology, academic and professional goals, and preparedness to participate in an accelerated program. If 3+2, additionally outline:
    • Existing college credits
    • Willingness to take overload and/or summer classes in order to complete the B.A. at an accelerated pace
  • Selected applicants will be invited to complete an interview with the M.A. in Counseling Psychology Program Director or faculty; admissions decisions will be made after interviews


Eligibility and Application Instructions for Programs as Current Elizabethtown College Undergraduate Students:

Current students may apply to 3+2 by the beginning of the spring semester of their first year, or to the 4+2 by the spring semester of their sophomore year.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • 3.3 or higher high school GPA3.3 or higher college GPA (including 3.0 or higher GPA each semester of college)
  • Majoring in Psychology
  • If applying to the 3+2 pipeline program, must demonstrate willingness and capacity to complete courses at an accelerated rate, either through college credits obtained prior to enrollment at Elizabethtown College, and/or Summer Term, Winter Term, and overload courses

Application Instructions:

  • Submit to the M.A. in Counseling Psychology Program Director a statement outlining interest in accelerated B.A. + M.A. in Counseling Psychology program (indicating interest in 3+2 or 4+2). Statement should address interest in pursuing a master’s degree in Counseling Psychology, academic and professional goals, and preparedness to participate in an accelerated program. If 3+2, additionally outline:
    • Existing college credits (including those obtained outside of Elizabethtown College)
    • Willingness to take overload and/or summer classes in order to complete the B.A. at an accelerated pace
  • Selected applicants will be invited to complete an interview with the MCP Program Director or faculty; admissions decisions will be made after interviews


Admission to the Traditional 2 Year Program:

Eligibility Requirements for application to the M.A. in Counseling Psychology Program:

  • Bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university
  • GPA of 3.0 or higher on 4.0 scale (applicants with a lower GPA will be considered on a case-by-case basis)
  • Graduate Record Examination (GRE) scores are not required, but may be submitted for consideration. Applicants with a GPA lower than 3.0 are encouraged to submit either the GRE or Miller Analogies Test (MAT).
  • An undergraduate degree in Psychology or a related field is not required, however, applicants should generally have taken at least three psychology courses and earned a grade of “B” or better in each

Application Instructions:

Complete the graduate application process via the online portal which includes:

  • A $50 nonrefundable application fee (waived for Elizabethtown College graduates)
  • Official transcripts from all undergraduate institutions attended
  • Current resume or CV
  • Two letters of recommendation; please include letters from recommenders who can speak to your educational and professional experience 
  • Personal statement addressing your academic and professional goals, and preparation and motivation to attend graduate school
  • Selected applicants will be invited to complete an interview. Final admissions decisions will be determined after the interview.

Child and Adolescent Counseling concentration

Students pursuing the Child and Adolescent Counseling concentration complete the following four courses in addition to the Core Curriculum courses.

Substance Use Counseling concentration

Students pursuing the Substance Use Counseling concentration complete the following four courses in addition to the Core Curriculum courses.

Benchmarks for the Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology Program

Benchmarks for Undergraduate Pipeline Program Students

If admitted, students must:

  • Maintain 3.0 or higher overall GPA each year
  • Remain in good academic standing
  • Maintain the Elizabethtown College Pledge of Academic Integrity and Student Code of Conduct
  • Engage in annual academic progress review meeting with MCP Program Director
  • If enrolled in the 3+2 program, students should generally attain the following benchmarks towards B.A. completion:
    • After FY FA, FY SP, and post-FY Summer: students should generally have obtained 40 credits
    • After SO FA, SO SP, and post-SO Summer: students should generally have obtained 83 credits
    • After JR FA, JR SP: students should generally have obtained 119 credits
    • After post-JR SU: students must have obtained 125 credits

Benchmarks for Graduate Students

  • Students are required to earn a grade of “C” or higher in all M.A. in Counseling Psychology courses and have a cumulative graduate GPA of 3.0 or higher in order to graduate
  • Internship and practicum courses require satisfactory completion of both the class and on-site clinical training component
  • Students are required to complete 700 total hours of combined practicum and internship training as outlined in the M.A. in Counseling Psychology Student Handbook in order to complete the degree.
  • The MCP Program Director reserves the right to modify a student’s Practicum/Internship course registration (MCP 560, MCP 660, MCP 665) and associated academic credit to align with completed contact hours.
  • If a student does not satisfactorily complete a course (earning below a “C”), or has a cumulative GPA below 3.0, the student will meet with the Program Director and their academic advisor to discuss their progress and develop a plan for remediation
  • Students must adhere to professional standards and expectations as outlined in the M.A. in Counseling Psychology Student Handbook

Preparation for Professional Licensure

Elizabethtown College’s Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology program is developed in accordance with the educational training requirements for licensure as a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in Pennsylvania. Additional non-educational training requirements, including passing an examination (such as the National Counselor Examination) and additional hours of supervised professional experience after completion of the graduate degree, apply to obtain licensure.

For further information regarding Licensed Professional Counselor requirements in Pennsylvania, please visit the Pennsylvania State Board of Social Works, Marriage and Family Therapists, and Professional Counselors website. Students who seek similar credentialing in states other than Pennsylvania are advised to contact the credentialing board or agency in those states, as other requirements may exist.