Sep 30, 2024  
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025 
Undergraduate Catalog 2024-2025

Music Education (B.M.)

The music unit prepares students to engage meaningfully and successfully as leaders in a music-filled world.  Music major curricula stress development of the knowledge, skills, and experience for students to become well-equipped professionals. The Bachelor of Music degrees in music education and music therapy reflect our support of the College’s motto of “Educate for Service,” and the Bachelor of Arts degree in music additionally offers the flexibility to design an individualized emphasis. Music majors are chosen through an audition and interview process in which their performance, listening skills, and aptitude for their intended majors are evaluated. Curricular and co-curricular opportunities are provided for students to study and experience music at all levels.

The Department has adopted requirements for upper-level standing for Music majors. A copy of these requirements is available in the Department’s office.

Student Learning Outcomes for Music Education:

Students will be able to:

  • Perform proficiently with the creative and performance skills appropriate to the student’s principal instrument.

  • Identify and synthesize key components of western tonal music theory and music history.

  • Demonstrate mastery of aural skills including sight-reading and dictation (melodic and harmonic).

  • Demonstrate the ability to synthesize theoretical knowledge and practical skills in order to plan, teach, and assess classroom teaching in the PK–12 school environment.

  • Perform on secondary instruments including piano, guitar, voice, and classroom instruments at a level appropriate to teach in the PK–12 school setting.

  • Synthesize, integrate, and adapt past and current music teaching and learning theories in the context of varying teaching placements and situations.

  • Display attitudes and attributes that are consistent with the level of professionalism expected from public and private school teachers.  

MU 211  satisfies the Western Cultural Heritage Area of Understanding for Core. Admission to the Music Education program is dependent upon meeting the general requirements for admission to the undergraduate program. Upon completion of this degree program, students are eligible to obtain the Pennsylvania Instructional I Teaching Certificate. The Music Education major is approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. Because of the requirements from the Pennsylvania Department of Education and National Association of Schools of Music, the Music Education curriculum requires one semester of overload in the spring semester of the junior year (19 credits).

PLEASE NOTE: A complete list of the foundational requirements (including a list of approved English Literature courses) can be found in the EDUCATION MANUAL.

To ensure that all students are prepared to apply for formal acceptance, it is recommended that students take a minimum of 16 credit hours per semester.

Progression to Program Completion and Teacher Certification 

Students in the Education Department must follow a progression through the teacher preparation program to complete a degree and apply for Pennsylvania Teaching Certification. Candidates typically apply for Provisional Acceptance at the conclusion of year one and Formal Acceptance at the conclusion of year two. It is recommended that Education majors take a minimum of 16 credits per semester. In addition, students will need to maintain a satisfactory rating in Professional Review throughout their candidacy.  


Phases of Progression:  


Phase One: In year one, teacher preparation candidates are in the pre-service phase. Courses and field experiences are integrated to offer pedagogical and practical knowledge in the professional field of teaching. During this time, students are required to earn a grade of C or above in all required courses for their major area. This expectation is in preparation for Provisional Acceptance to the program. Candidates applying for Provisional Acceptance at the conclusion of year one must earn an overall GPA of 2.80. 


Phase Two: In year two, teacher preparation candidates continue with courses and field experiences integrated to offer pedagogical and practical knowledge in the professional field of teaching. During this time, students are required to earn a grade of C or above in all required courses for their major area. This expectation is in preparation for Formal Acceptance to the program. Candidates applying for Formal Acceptance at the end of year two must earn an overall GPA of 3.00.  


Professional Phase: In years three and four, teacher preparation candidates are required to demonstrate their knowledge of the teaching profession both in and out of the classroom. Methods and Professional Internship semesters pair rigorous coursework with part- and full-time field experience requirements. During this time, students are required to earn a grade of B or above in all required courses for their major area. This expectation is in preparation for application to Pennsylvania Department of Education for Instructional I certification necessary to teach in the state. As required by PDE, candidates applying for certification at the end of the preparation program must demonstrate an overall GPA of 3.00. 


Academic Requirements: 

  • Candidates will achieve grades of C or better in all 100 and 200 level Education courses.  
  • Candidates will achieve grades of B or better in all 300 and 400 level Education courses.  
  • Candidates not meeting grade requirements will be referred to the Professional Review Panel for possible intervention.  
  • Intervention may include action planning, tutoring, academic counseling, or course repetition.  


Provisional Acceptance:  

  • Complete 27 credit hours with a cumulative grade point average of 2.80 or higher.  
  • Verify current clearances on file in Education Office by August 1 of each year. Clearance Information  
  • Declare Education as major 
  • Submit Student Life Clearance 
  • Complete ED 105 and ED 150/ED 151 in first year with earned grades of C or better 
  • Complete ED 161 in first or second year with earned grade of C or better 
  • Demonstrate satisfactory ratings in Professional Review 
  • Apply for Provisional Acceptance to the Education Department 

*Provisional Acceptance is required to enroll in 200-level ED courses.  


Formal Acceptance:  

  • Basic Skills requirements for PDE are met 
  • Complete two Mathematics (MA) courses and two English (EN) courses (one writing composition and one literature) 
  • Complete 54 hours with a cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher 
  • Successfully complete at least three courses with ED prefixes 
  • Verify current clearances on file in Education Office by August 1 of each year. Clearance Information 
  • Provide an electronic portfolio for review demonstrating interest and/or experience in professional education and progress toward meeting the professional domains as defined by Danielson (see pages 16-18).  
  • One picture of yourself 
  • Updated Resume 
  • Educational Philosophy 
  • Dates of your clearances and TB test 
  • Description of your experience working with children 
  • Writing Sample  
  • Any additional items to support of your application 
  • Receive approval of the Education Department and any other appropriate major Department.  
  • Demonstrate satisfactory ratings in Professional Review 
  • Apply for Formal Acceptance to the Education Department 

*Formal Acceptance is required to enroll in 300-level ED courses. 


Field Experiences: 

Field experiences are a critical facet of teacher preparation, both for gaining practical knowledge in the professional field and for obtaining teacher certification in Pennsylvania. Many Education (ED) and Special Education (SED) courses require field placement. The Education Department Field Experience Manual is linked here, and includes details, policies, assessments, and contacts for all stages of field placement at Elizabethtown College. Please note the following:  

  • At Elizabethtown College, there are required courses with placements in each year of teacher preparation.  
  • The Office of Field Placement utilizes a reasonable radius (approximately 20 miles/40 minutes commuting time) from campus to assign placement schools.   
  • Courses with placements have academic and grading requirements based on the successful completion of each field experience.  
  • Candidates in the third and fourth year of teacher preparation are required to arrange transportation to and from assigned placements. 
  • Candidates in placement are required to follow all policies, guidelines, rules, and expectations for the school district or entity of placement. Failure to follow individual district expectations may result in removal from placement, failure of the associated course, and/or expulsion from the Education Department.  


Exit from the Programs:

Students seeking award of the degree in the major only (without certification) must:

  • Receive approval of the Education Program and any other appropriate Program(s) for completion of their degree plan.
  • Satisfy all requirements of the major, except the professional internship and Pennsylvania certification test results, with a cumulative/major grade point average of 2.00 or higher.
  • Complete an alternative internship experience of at least six credits, as approved by the Education Program.

Students seeking award of the degree in their major and certification must:

  • Satisfy all requirements of the major with the cumulative grade point average of 3.00 or higher.
  • Earn a grade of Pass in the professional internship and senior seminar.

Earn passing scores on the Pennsylvania Educator Certification Tests (PECT) and/or Praxis II series as it applies to your certification program. Students completing Early Childhood (PK-4) must take the PECT exam series, Elementary Middle Level (4-8) certifications take the Praxis series in core assessment and subject concentration, Secondary certification (7-12) take Praxis II in a content area and PK-12 (Music Education, Modern Languages – Spanish Education) must successfully complete the appropriate Fundamental Subjects: Content Knowledge Test and Praxis II in a content area. Graduate candidates in Special Education (PK-12) must take the Praxis exam for Special Education Core Subjects.

Music Education requires:

Additional Requirements for Music Education:

A Music Education major may not enroll in a music course required for that major unless a grade of C- or better has been earned in all prerequisite music or music education courses. To graduate, a Music Education major must maintain the following standards:

  • A Music Education major must earn a grade of C- or better in all music and music education courses.
  • A Music Education major must satisfy the standards and requirements of the educational practicum and student-teaching experiences.
  • Provisional acceptance must be met as a prerequisite to all 200-level education courses.
  • Formal acceptance must be met as a prerequisite to all 300-level education and methods courses.

First Year Suggested Courses:


Students must take Applied Instruction and an Ensemble every semester.

Students are highly encouraged to take MU100 Repertoire Class for credit in every semester where it is possible. Music education majors will typically take MU100A for credit in every semester except the fall of their first year (when students register for MU100D for zero credit).

Students whose primary instrument is not piano or organ must take MU 117A in the fall semester and MU 118 in the spring semester.

Given PDE regulations, two English and two Math courses must be completed prior to formal acceptance.

MU 332 is taken in place of ED 161 for Music Education majors.

Students should refer to the Education Program Handbook in selecting an English literature course. 

The Praxis tests should be taken at the beginning of the Fourth year.

ED150 and ED 151 are approved to satisfy Social Science Core.

Music Policies

Preparatory Music Division

The School of Arts and Humanities also offers a Preparatory Music Division that offers instruction to pre-college students, adults, and college students who desire to take instruction without credit. Instruction is available from the Division’s faculty and other qualified teachers. Interested persons should contact Prof. Grant Moore, Director of the Preparatory Division.

Applied Music Lessons

Students who register for applied music for credit must meet minimum standards established by the School and should contact the School office for a list of standards for each applied area. Students who have not attained the level necessary for credit may study through the Preparatory Division. Students in applied music advance as rapidly as their abilities permit. They must study technical exercises and literature from various musical periods and styles.

Students may register with or without credit for the established music ensembles and for other ensembles organized under faculty supervision; ensemble registration for credit may be repeated. All students must meet the standards for attendance at rehearsals and public performances established by the faculty Directors.

Applied music lessons and certain music ensembles may be counted for the Creative Expression requirement of the Core Program if taken as letter-graded for four semesters. An additional fee is charged for applied music lessons. Fees are printed on the master course schedule.

Transfer Credit for Aural Skills and Functional Keyboard Skills

The Music Department reserves the right to administer a diagnostic exam to verify a student’s skill level PRIOR to awarding academic transfer credit for Aural Skills and Functional Keyboard Skills. This policy was established to ensure academic success at the appropriate level. ALL students accepted into a music program should contact the Dean of the School of Arts and Humanities for more information on assessment of transfer credits.

Additional Accreditation

Elizabethtown College is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music. The Music Therapy program is approved by the American Music Therapy Association.